
Trump’s Positive Alabama Speech vs. CNN’s Biased Interview


Donald Trump in Mobile, Alabama

Among cheering crowds in a stadium of 35,000 people that had to be moved from a smaller hotel ballroom, presidential candidate Donald Trump held a rousing ralley for his growing legions. The Trump campaign was forced to change venues twice as the anticipated crowd swelled to sizes much larger than other locations could accommodate.

“We have politicians that don’t have a clue,” said Trump, wearing a red hat on which was printed “Make America Great Again,” his slogan. “They’re all talk, no action. What’s happening to this country is disgraceful.”

Trump in AlabamaHe added: “We’re running on fumes. There’s nothing here. ... We’re not going to have a country left. We need to have our borders. We need to make great deals.”

After almost 8 years of having a president that hates America and says it needs to be punished,  we have to build her back up again with someone who deeply loves America. Trump is that man. He’s used to dealing with leaders of foreign countries to get his buildings established there. He hires people and creates jobs, he loves America and its’ veterans not someone like Obama who has reduced our military to  pre- ww11 levels.

When Trump speaks it’ always straight from the heart and he says what’s on his mind. He doesn’t use speech writers and doesn’t use teleprompters. In fact he has said politicians shouldn’t use teleprompters when speaking to the public. Trump had a few hand written notes in his hand with just a few scribbled lines with large margins in between. He hardly looked down at them and spoke directly to the audience even commenting to a few in attendance.

Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, said in an interview that Trump could “win significant support” in the South, buoyed by his hard-line views on trade and immigration as well as the GOP base’s restive appetite for an outsider. “We’re going to be strong in Iowa, New Hampshire and the other states that start it out,” ­Lewandowski said. “Then comes the South. That’s the path to the nomination.”

Trump chose Mobile for his big rally in part because it is the hometown of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R), an immigration hard-liner who has been counseling Trump and helped him develop his immigration policy paper. Trump brought Sessions onstage. The senator put on a white “Make America Great Again” hat. (“These hats are hot as a pistol,” Trump quipped.

Following Trump’s rally in Mobile, CNN aired an interview taped earlier with him by Chris Cuomo. Trump said basically the same thing to Chris’s questions almost word for word from his Alabama speech. Chris was condescending and argumentative while kissing up to the Donald all at once. During the breaks Chris showed CNN’s biased tone against Trump in the various introductions to each clip. At one time Trump said he admired strong women and cited champion UFC fighter Rhonda Rousey. During the break Chris said, “We contacted Rhonda Rousey and she said she wouldn’t vote for Trump because she doesn’t trust him.”

Many republican strategists are complaining that Trump has a liberal side  and supported democratic principles right up to before he switched sides. Still others say it’s too early to tell yet. At least he’s making sound principles that resonate with the majority of people.

There’s not a peep out of the other candidates except for Bush when attacking Trump for disagreeing with him. Jeb’s policies are very liberal too on immigration and his support for common core both which are democrat lite. You don’t hear anything from Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindahl,George Pataki and only occasionally from Rand Paul,Ben Carson, Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina and the rest of the GOP candidates. The one that comes closest to Trump’s coverage is Ted Cruz.

Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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