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ABC News: White Supremacists Pose Bigger Public-Safety Risk Than Black Lives Matter In George Floyd Trial

The Blue State Conservative

There is journalistic malpractice, there is stupidity, there is lying, there is propaganda, and then there is ABC News. Not to be outdone by rival CBS’s spliced coverage of Ron DeSantis or NPR’s squashing of the Hunter Biden laptop story, the heady ABC executives attempted the reportage equivalent of saying two girls and a cup was a buddy system for weight loss. (Disclaimer: If you don’t know what that references, please do not search for it).

Running an April 8th article titled “White supremacists, extremists may use Chauvin trial to further their agendas,” ABC distorted reality beyond recognition when it reviewed a recent Department of Homeland Security intelligence briefing.

It used to be that we could rhetorically ask: Who believes this? Does anyone really think that a fringe organization poses a larger threat to the American people than a prominent one like Black Lives Matter? How many cities did the Boogaloo Boys terrorize compared to BLMers last summer? Sadly, the obvious is no longer obvious.

Labeled “domestic terrorists” by both DHS and ABC, the article leads with suggestive framing that the biggest concern of the Chauvin trial should be how white people react. Among other things, it states that “violence could occur with little or no warning” or that “some white supremacists have remarked online that the Chauvin trial may lead to a race war.” It both implies and states that these issues will come from white terror groups; Americans need to brace themselves for the same level of insurgency seen in the U.S. Capitol. But didn’t the Deep State finally admit it wasn’t an insurgency? Doesn’t matter.

Without a doubt, there will be violence immediately after the verdict is read, and America is absolutely headed toward a race war. Of course, the article does a fine job obfuscating the roots of both of those serious concerns. Violence will stem from black, not white, groups and the race war is being fomented by articles precisely like this one that conjure white supremacist threats out of thin air and ignore the very real danger posed by actual domestic terrorist organizations like Black Lives Matter.

The article eventually gets to that nugget, excusing any violence or mayhem that erupts from the left by nothing that “black separatists groups may target law enforcement officers or government facilities should Chauvin be acquitted, or if there is a mistrial, or if sentencing against Chauvin is perceived too lenient.” Got that? If the results don’t exactly go their way, then all hell will break loose.

A warm-up of sorts transpired this past week in Minneapolis’s neighboring community of Brooklyn Center, MN, gaining national attention as a result of its proximity to both the site of George Floyd’s death and now trial of the officers involved. After a traffic stop revealed that a driver had an outstanding warrant for arrest, a police officer ended up shooting the driver fatally. Details are scarce, but it looks like the discharge of the officer’s weapon may have been an accident. Under normal circumstances, society might mourn the senseless loss of life, but would also understand that a warrant for arrest and the ignoring of lawful officer commands don’t end well. It certainly wouldn’t rise to the level of national reporting or mass protests.

Predictably, though, the deceased was immediately labeled a victim of police brutality and large gatherings of people congregated at the site of his death, the city’s police station, and the commercial district. Soon, the mass of unmitigated anger devolved into violence and looting. While many urban schools fail to produce literate graduates, there was apparently enough understanding to read the preordained script: Gather, yell, burn, attack, loot. Throughout all of it, there was plenty of destruction and theft caused by a pro-Black Lives Matter crowd but decidedly very little of either caused by people dressed in Hawaiian shirts or donning shaved heads.

When the country suffers from an actual race war, and of terror and destruction at the hands of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other anarchists, news outlets like ABC will be directly responsible. If white supremacy were the worst thing Americans had to fear, I would say we were living in the golden age of peace and prosperity. Asit stands, we live in a time of unbridled (and somehow justified) black rage, and that thought terrifies me.

Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.

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One Comment

  1. People have to be brain damaged to believe headlines like this from ABC! I for one am seriously thinking of joining a white NATIONAL group such as the proud boys or? It’s becoming us against them- thanks Obama!

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