Report: Red Hen Owner stalked Sanders family after kicking them out of restaurant
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family were kicked out of The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia over the weekend, but the owner’s rude behavior didn’t stop there – according to Sander’s father, the owner followed them to another restaurant, formed a mob then began causing a scene.
“This restaurateur of The Red Hen Stephanie Wilkinson not only told @PressSec Sanders to leave–acc to @GovMikeHuckabee on my radio show today, she FOLLOWED Sanders’ family across the street to harass them at the other restaurant they went to!” Radio and TV host Laura Ingraham posted Monday.
This restaurateur of The Red Hen Stephanie Wilkinson not only told @PressSec Sanders to leave–acc to @GovMikeHuckabee on my radio show today, she FOLLOWED Sanders' family across the street to harass them at the other restaurant they went to!
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) June 25, 2018
“There’s a part of that story that hasn’t been told, you’re going to be the first to hear it,” Mike Huckabee said, according to a Mediaite report. “Sarah and her husband just went home. They had sort of had enough. But the rest of her family went across the street to a different restaurant.
“The owner of the Red Hen — nobody’s told this — then followed them across the street, called people, and organized a protest yelling and screaming at them from outside the other restaurant and creating this scene,” he said.
The Chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner referred to a separate report of the same events.
“@johnrobertsFox reports after getting kicked out of Red Hen, Sarah Sanders & husband returned to hotel, but rest of group went to another restaurant. People from Red Hen, including owner, followed and protested at that next restaurant,” York tweeted.
.@johnrobertsFox reports after getting kicked out of Red Hen, Sarah Sanders & husband returned to hotel, but rest of group went to another restaurant. People from Red Hen, including owner, followed and protested at that next restaurant.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) June 25, 2018
Huckabee also mentioned that several members family that were dining with them that night are liberals.
“Ironic, as @GovMikeHuckabee just noted, that @PressSec Sanders’ in-laws are liberals and not fans of @realDonaldTrump,” Ingraham tweeted. “well, now they know how radical the Dem Party has become.”
Ironic, as @GovMikeHuckabee just noted, that @PressSec Sanders' in-laws are liberals and not fans of @realDonaldTrump — well, now they know how radical the Dem Party has become.
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) June 25, 2018