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Second allegations against Kavanaugh aren’t credible either

A second woman has come out with allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett Kavanaugh and they’re even flimsier than the discredited claims from Christine Blasey Ford.

The New Yorker published an article by Ronan Farrow in which Deborah Ramirez alleges that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a college dorm room party. Kavanaugh calls the claims “smear” while soundly rejecting them.

“This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen,” Kavanaugh said in a statement. “The people who knew me then know that this did not happen, and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple. I look forward to testifying on Thursday about the truth, and defending my good name and the reputation for character and integrity I have spent a lifetime building against these last-minute allegations.”

In the article, the accuser admits significant gaps in her memory, that she was in a heavily inebriated state and that only with the help of a Democratic party-provided lawyer did she determine that it was Brett Kavanaugh who exposed himself at that party. Prior to that six-day, lawyer-assisted, memory session, she couldn’t name him as the culprit.

The New Yorker admits it did not confirm through eyewitnesses that Kavanaugh was even present at the party and other students who knew Kavanaugh said they had never heard of the incident. And even the New York Times said that after interviewing “several dozen people” they couldn’t find anyone to back up Ramirez’s story.

The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.

Similar to the Christine Blasey Ford allegations, the witnesses the accuser named in the account have disputed the accuser’s story. In a statement, two of those male classmates who Ramirez alleged were involved in the incident, the wife of a third male student she said was involved, and three other classmates, Dino Ewing, Louisa Garry, and Dan Murphy, vehemently disputed Ramirez’s account of events.

“We were the people closest to Brett Kavanaugh during his first year at Yale. He was a roommate to some of us, and we spent a great deal of time with him, including in the dorm where this incident allegedly took place,” they said. “Some of us were also friends with Debbie Ramirez during and after her time at Yale. We can say with confidence that if the incident Debbie alleges ever occurred, we would have seen or heard about it and we did not.”

One of Ramirez’s closest friends at Yale said that if something happened that was anything like what Deborah is alleging, she would have told her, but she didn’t – ever.

“This is a woman I was best friends with,”  the friend said. “We shared intimate details of our lives. And I was never told this story by her, or by anyone else. It never came up. I didn’t see it. I never heard of it happening.”

Those classmates also said that behavior like that Ramirez describes would have been very out-of-character for Kavanaugh. A very similar and consistent characterization of Brett Kavanaugh from those who knew him in high school and refuted Ford’s now-questionable claims.

Ramirez is a registered Democrat, which by itself is unimportant. But strangely, we are only hearing these kinds of allegations from Democrats just days before his confirmation vote.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. I’ve been waiting for the “Shades of Judge Moore” sequel…..and here it is…another flop. Now we know the ‘real’ reason for all of the delays…

    It appears that the Democrats are smart enough to know that ‘sex sells’ , yet don’t realize that the Anonymous star is fading along with the untrained extras. Money just doesn’t seem to buy the quality they need….truth.

    Do they actually believe that it’s perfectly fine to use taxpayer money in a ‘slush’ fund to pay off their own prostitutes/affairs to keep them quite (hidden) while doing “whatever it takes” to condemn, ruin the lives of others with accusations (false) of the identical behavior?

    It must be quite a burden to be a Democrat these days..

    44 DAYS…..Cast your vote for America

  2. Has any body asked if Brett Kavanaugh owned any Bill Cosby albums? Could prove to be the fickle finger of fate pointing at guilt.

  3. Absolutely. These people are all so, so disgusting and freakishly perverse (Oingo Biden Boingo and his loving hands on all the WH visitor’s little girls, Al Franken and his Harpo Marx Crab Claw mitts, then there’sthe “Me To Movement’s” mascot and spokesMan & Attorney General of the NXVIUM (or WTh Evr it’s called) Sex Cult – Eric Schneiderrman, and the hits keep coming. And overwhelmingly but by no means exclusively from the Blues brothers side of the aisle.
    With that and the “Open and All You Can Download or A La Carte Clinton Basement Server Firesale!” & Feinstein’s own personal Kato of Chinese Gestapo spying THRU her — this coupled with all the sealed paid off victims you mentioned make it now obvious beyond any previous doubts, reasonable or “un”—that what we have is a national security nightmare.
    Considering that one of Mossad’s favorite ways to conduct espionage extortion and offensive intel ops is to run Honey Traps, either real or staged, some inexplicable mysteries of DC begin to appear less mysterious…

    For example, things like the DEEP QUESTIONs about DC, like,, oh I don’t know,:

    “ Why again do we keep allowing and making insanely bad nat sec policies? lLke allowing dual citizen Israeli (or anyone else but esp Israeli) Zionists to become congressmen and women?

    Like: “Why again do we keep on allowing said dual citizen congressholes to sit on our most sensitive national security congressional committees? “…

    and: “How again is it that dual citizen politicos are allowed to Head entire national security departments like Homeland Security, etc .??

    Here’s a good one- “How again does it benefit tax payers to give Israel ANY free money every single year- let alone a cheap30 BILLION/yr?”

    Oh, & don’t forget: “R U DC punks out of ur freaking MINDs!??

    Even if those fears prove unfounded – it’s a national security nightmare how vulnerable these political a**hats are making themselves and our country and need to hold a huge NATIONAL extended open investigation and hearings and vetting process to begin immediately – but for some reason when s**t gets broke in DC we don’t do anything but bitch.

    Enough – don’t tread on us nor our constiton no more. Time for action and house cleanings.

    MAGA OR DIE MOTHER******s – Join up or Die!

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