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Democrats Embrace “Collateral Damage” Regardless Of Who Is Harmed

On or about October18, 2018, Nancy Pelosi stated that any “collateral damage” caused by the Democrats’ scorched earth policy in their pursuit of power, is completely good and acceptable.

Does this acceptable “collateral damage” extend to the poor Honduran citizens trekking the length of Mexico to reach America, a hazardous trip encouraged, bought and paid for by American Democrats, even though President Trump has stated that they will not be allowed to enter? And even if some of these travelers should be able to sneak through the border, they will officially be criminals, residing here illegally.

Nancy Pelosi is a very rich woman who knows nothing of the misery, privation and likely sickness of persons she and her party encourage to form caravans and walk hundreds of miles to America. These caravans are a violation of our laws and are only assembled in order to generate negative news reports for President Trump and the Republican party and to get the votes of a new class of impoverished, uneducated, jobless, non-English speaking minorities who will have to depend on government handouts for decades before they are able to finally support themselves. Nancy and the Democrat party are using poor people from all over the world to gain more voting power in America, and they are just considered “collateral damage” and nothing more than pawns to Nancy and her liberal, privileged Democrat party members.

American Democrats know no shame at the misery and suffering they cause with their caravans and their sanctuary cities, but they must be shamed by being voted out of office for their don’t-give-a-damn, anything goes, method of getting votes.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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