Situation in Southern Libya
The Trump administration is concerned about ongoing tensions in southern Libya, which have prolonged the closure of critical oil infrastructure and deprived all Libyans of vital economic resources, according to a State Department statement.
“We call on all parties to urgently establish a mutually acceptable security arrangement that will guarantee the safety of National Oil Corporation (NOC) workers and allow oil production at the al-Sharara oil field to resume as quickly as possible for the benefit of all Libyans,” State said in the release. “Libya’s oil facilities, production, and revenues belong to the Libyan people.”
The administration reaffirmed its commitment to stand with all Libyans in our shared fight against terrorism and welcomed ongoing efforts to ensure that ISIS-Libya and al-Qa’ida are denied safe haven in southern Libya.
“We remain committed to using all available tools to sustain pressure against terrorist groups, at the request of and in coordination with the Government of National Accord,” the State Department added.
Source: U.S. Department of State
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