Syndicated PostsWhite House Watch

Watch Trump: This should never happen to a president again

President Donald Trump took questions from reporters just before attending a Republican Policy Lunch on Capitol Hill and during the exhange he said that what Democrats and the media have done to him over false collusion claims shouldn’t ever happen again.

“This should never happen to a president again,” he told reporters.

The Mueller Special Counsel report said that neither the president nor any member of his campaign colluded or conspired with Russians to impact the 2016 presidential election. There was no recommendation for charges against any member of the administration or campaign for obstruction, treason, or any of the other false claims made by members of the Obama Justice department and intelligence community.

The president also briefly spoke about his administration’s belief that Obamacare should be stricken down in full. While not directly addressing the Justice Department’s backing of a Federal Judge’s ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional, he hinted that Republicans will soon release a health care plan of their own to replace it.

“The Republican Party will soon be known as the party of health care,” he said.



Q Some Democrats, sir, are still talking about impeachment. What’s your response to that?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t think they’re talking about impeachment. We have the greatest economy we’ve ever had. Our country is in incredible shape. They and others created a fraud on our country with this ridiculous witch hunt, where it was proven, very strongly, no collusion, no obstruction. No nothing.

We are doing so well. We’ve never probably had a time of prosperity like this. It’s been great.

Q Mr. President, you’re accusing the people who launched the investigation into your campaign of treasonous acts.


Q How high up do you think it went?

THE PRESIDENT: I think it went very high up. I think what happened is a disgrace. I don’t believe our country should allow this ever to happen again. This will never happen again. We cannot let it ever happen again. It went very high up, and it started fairly low, but with instructions from the high up. This should never happen to a President again. We can’t allow that to take place.

Q Mr. President, do you think it reached the West Wing of the Obama White House?

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t want to say that, but I think you know the answer.

Q Mr. President, the report says that while you did not commit a crime —

THE PRESIDENT: Who said what?

Q The Mueller report says — according to the Barr letter — while you —

THE PRESIDENT: The Mueller report was great. It could not have been better. It said, “No obstruction. No collusion.” It could not have been better.

Q On healthcare — on healthcare: Your administration is making very clear that you think the Affordable Care Act is invalid and should be struck down. What is your message to Americans who may be concerned about their healthcare?

THE PRESIDENT: Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican Party will soon be known as the Party of Healthcare. You watch.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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