5 Suggested Ways to Protect the Sanctity of Future American Elections
We will, or probably, may not, ever, fully know, every piece of information about the particular level of motivations or reasons behind the interference in the 2016 Presidential elections, by foreign interests!

Image source: vox.com
Virtually every intelligence agency, and a significant amount of data, which seems to be frequently expanding shows there was evidently an interference either by certain parties, or Russian
President Trump is an evident holdout to this particular conclusion, by emphasizing his political election, rather than the far bigger, more specific issue, of how to understand, whenever possible, to make sure our future elections are pure and fair!
Keeping that in mind, this write-up will try to quickly discuss, examin and consider five ways we may possibly best guard the sanctity and reliability of future elections.
- Analyze Digital Footprints
How did cyber crimes affect the recent elections, and exactly what can we find out to better protect the nation from this continuity to take place in the past?
Our country has to make the most of the skills, expertise,and knowledge of our finest brains in the industries of computer systems to supervise the particular process, and look at possible implications, and how to best protect ourselves.
Although, what went down in the past is actually important to analyze, and, it seems like, at least from an optics perspective, the President and his fans are concentrating on getting too much attention and making efforts to cutting down this investigation (we have to ask the reason why and what they might be hiding), it’s far more crucial that you utilize this investigation to understand the best future strategy. Just as we protect ourselves from terrorism, in other kinds, it is important too also do so when it comes to cyber crimes!
- Better Verify Identities
5 million illegal migrants are granted a free-pass and never deported. Seriously? My question is; what percentage of these people (or their parents) have stolen or fake identities?
If someone lives in the USA “illegally,” wouldn’t it be befitting for an intensive investigation to determine if they used stolen identity to get here, stay here for 5 years or even longer, and use our education orhealthcare systems?
Has this matter been addressed by the media channels?
How’s it that identity theft isn’t considered a criminal activity gruesome enough for justice?
Identity fraud not only steals social security numbers, medical or financial information but also takes a victim’s life. Nobody is the same individual right after such a repugnant act.
It doesn’t matter how the politics and press spin this concern, Identity Fraud is the core crime. I am not saying these illegal migrants have stolen secret information. What I ‘m saying is that no-one who takes identity from someone else has any legal right to stay free in this country.
This concern needs investigation.
We live in a realm of ever-increasing id theft in nearly all facets of our lives!
Social networking sites should do a more satisfactory job of ensuring the caliber of the factual basis content, as well as being specific that these posts aren’t an effort by external elements to affect the results of the elections. This should include, but not be restricted, to any better way of verifying identities, etc.
- Obligatory Fact Checking
Making sure information and facts are genuine is usually far more difficult than it seems!
Obligatory fact scrutinizing must be executed, pertaining to statements articulated by particular candidates, and their election campaigns, as well as social media postings and ads!
- Explore Unusual Tendencies
Procedures and processes usually create particular tendencies, which, might either reveal who the accountable parties, might beand their purpose!
- Encrypt, Protect, And Improve Data
With all the means, data can easily be hacked, and affected; perhaps, there might be possible ways to improve further the way we secure and protect all our data, etc.
Particular companies, such as BlackBerry, have proven competence, in doing so, and, we ought to learn from them, and make the most of their experience, wisdom,and knowledge!