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NY Clerk Files Lawsuit Against Issuing Driver’s Licenses To Illegals

A New York county clerk who refused to issue licenses to illegals in June is taking the law–that he vowed never to follow–to court.

Michael “Mickey” Kearns made headlines in June when he openly defied Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Green Light Bill that mandated clerks throughout the state to issue driver’s licenses to those residing in America as aliens. He is now fulfilling a promise he made to challenge the law he deems unconstitutional.

Kearns calls the letter “inconsistent with federal law” and claims the bill forces him and other clerks to choose to their allegiance to either the federal government or government of New York.

He also believes the law is a violation of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which expressly outlaws knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, Fox News Reports.

Kearns was not alone in his defiance when the law took root in June. Four more upstate clerks were found to be resisting the law in Rensselaer, Niagara, Chautauqua and Allegany Counties.

“I go back to the Constitution. You’re not supposed to help or aid anybody if they’re here illegally, especially if we know that,” Frank Merola, Rensselaer County Clerk, told ABC 10.

Chautauqua County Clerk Larry Barmore completely rejected the bill in June.  “I don’t mind sitting in jail for a few days,” he told WGRZ 2.

Most New Yorkers opposed Cuomo’s bill when it was introduced–53% to be exact, according to a Sienna poll.

“The law is well crafted and contains ample protections for those who apply for driver’s licenses. As the state’s attorney and chief law enforcement officer, my office will vigorously defend it,” New York State Attorney General Letitia James told The Daily Caller News Foundation in June.

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