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Another Humiliating Week For The Media

HonestjurnalismisdeadOnce again the media’s attempt to blame Trump for something he never did backfires in their collective faces. First it was Russia, Russia, Russia and collusion, collusion, collusion for two and a half years. When the Mueller report came out that all the media and dems were waiting for with baited breath showed no collusion with Trump and Russia they were besides themselves. They knew what all conservatives knew that it was Hillary who was the real Russian colluder with rigging the election, selling uranium to Russia for 145 million dollars to her crooked foundation and paying a foreign national one million dollars to write a fake dossier on Trump so she could get a FISA warrant to tap Trump’s aid’s phone, but they dare not touch her so they had to come up with something new and came up with another story about a mysterious whistle blower who claimed he knew about a conversation Trump had with the Ukranian President  to rig the 2016  election. The only problem was that it wasn’t Trump who pressured the President, but Biden. Whoops!!!! Wrong again mainstream media.


Democrats and the fake news media declared a so-called “whistleblower’s” complaint that Donald Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter for corruption or else risk losing out on $250 million in military aid which dominated Washington.

Now it has come out that this so-called whistleblower is just some guy who heard or read something about the call and is just hearsay.

This new scandal, like all of the rest, is pure fiction invented by Democrats and their media allies, especially given the fact no one knows what was said during the purported call between the President and the Ukrainian leader.

In short, the whole thing is smoke and mirrors, a nothingness perpetuated by Democrats disguised as impartial journalists.

Biden told reporters that he did not know that his son was doing with Ukraine and did not speak to him about it. Biden is lying through his teeth. Biden DID withhold USA financial aid until Ukraine FIRED the prosecutor investigating Biden’s son, Hunter. The prosecutor WAS fired [fact] and only then did Biden release the aid.

Biden even BRAGGED about it at a CFR conference. The guy is a common crook.

The media immediately started circling the wagons to protect Biden.

If only there were a way to find indisputable evidence that he indeed did know what his son was doing and did speak to him about it.

By gosh there is, and it comes from none other than his son Hunter Biden who admitted that he did speak to his dad about the situation, The Washington Examiner reported.

The former vice president vehemently denied any knowledge of his son’s business dealings in Ukraine when he spoke to Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Saturday.

“How many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings,” Doocy said to the Democrat presidential candidate.

“I have never spoken to my son about those,” he said before starting his rant in which he had a meltdown.

“Here is what I know. I know Trump deserves to be investigated. He is violating every basic norm of a president.

“You should be asking him why is he on the phone with a foreign leader trying to intimidate a foreign leader. You should be looking at Trump.

“He is doing this because he knows I will beat him like a drum and he is using his abuse of power and every almost element of the presidency to try to do something to smear me.

“Everybody looked at this and everybody looked at it and said there is nothing there. Ask the right questions,” he said.

“Depending on what the House finds, he could be impeached, but I’m not making that judgment now, the House should investigate it.

“It appears to be an overwhelming abuse of power. To get on the phone with a foreign leader looking for help from the United States.

But in a later appearance on Fox News Doocy said that the former vice president’s denial is not consistent with what his son said in an interview with The New Yorker.

“[Biden’s answer] is not consistent entirely with the interview that Hunter Biden gave in July to the New Yorker, where they say Hunter recalled his father discussed the Ukraine oil company at the heart of the issue with him ‘just once,’” Doocy said.

“So the former vice president says they never talked; his son told the New Yorker a couple of months before this really blew up they did talk once,” he said.

“Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do,’” Hunter Biden said in the interview which shows they, at minimum, talked about it one time.

That is what is able to be proven in his own words, but the only people that know how often they talked about it are the Biden’s and the press is not going to push them for answers.

Trump’s call with Zelensky has been at the center of an escalating battle in Washington since Friday when news outlets reported that Trump repeatedly asked the Ukrainian leader to investigate whether Biden, the Democratic front-runner to take on Trump in next year’s election, misused his position when he was vice president.

Trump told reporters at the White House that their phone conversation was mostly congratulatory but also touched on corruption and the Bidens.

“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in Ukraine,” Trump said.

Democrats have said that if Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Biden, it is tantamount to promoting foreign interference in the 2020 election.

Trump has denied doing anything improper. His allies, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, have defended the president’s phone call, which, according to news reports, was the subject of a complaint made by an as-yet-unnamed whistleblower.”

After the Russian collusion hoax imploded and the Democrat investigations into the administration ran into a dead end, this whistleblower complaint dropped into the Democrats’ laps like manna from Heaven. But once again the Democrats overreached and tried to manufacture an impeachment scandal out of fake news.

According to radio talk show host and Newsmax TV host, Wayne Allen Root says Biden is finished and to get ready for a Trump electoral landslide.

“The delusional liberal mainstream media hopes and prays that Joe Biden is their savior,” Root said in an article he wrote recently, “They think Biden can beat Trump. That’s why they’re rooting so hard for Biden. That’s why they are ignoring all the signs of his mental decline.

Because even the biased-liberal media clearly understands deep down that Democrats are headed for a landslide defeat in 2020, with anyone but Biden.

But Biden will never be the Democrat presidential nominee. Never. The Democrats and their promotion department (ie the mainstream media) are delusional about Biden.

Biden is a real-life “Weekend at Bernie’s.” He isn’t all there anymore. But for the moment, the media is propping him up.

Great-grandpa Biden doesn’t know where he is anymore. His mind is wandering off to imaginary fights with some thug named “Corn pop.”

Biden doesn’t know where he is. He was recently addressing the press in New Hampshire and he said how much he loves it in Vermont.

Biden doesn’t know the population of America. Days ago, he boasted his economic plan would put 720 million women back to work. There are only 330 million people in America.

Don’t forget Joe’s greatest hits. He recommends parents play records with their kids at night on a “record player.” He doesn’t realize record players were phased out decades ago.

He thinks Robert F. Kennedy and Dr Martin Luther King Jr were assassinated “in the late 70’s.”


Poor Joe wants to be president so badly. The liberal media wants it so badly for him. But “want” doesn’t cut it. Joe Biden will never be president.

All the hopes and prayers in the world by DNC leaders or the mainstream media won’t change that.

Biden is far older than all of those politicians. He’s a dinosaur. Biden actually lived in an age of racism. He’s made many borderline racist comments in the past. The odds are pretty darn high there are Biden blackface photos out there.

So, if I’m right and Biden will never be the nominee, what do the Democrats have? Wacko, extreme Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders.

Get ready for a Trump electoral landslide.”

Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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