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Election 2020 Will Be a Referendum on Freedom

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.” No one knows for sure who said it first, but truer words were never spoken. And that, a government big enough to give you everything you want, is exactly what the 2020 Democrat candidates are promoting. True, some are promising more than others, but all of them advocate a bigger government as the solution to America’s problems. That such a government could also take everything you have is never mentioned.

I live in the People’s Socialist Republic of California which gives me an insight to exactly what progressive Democrats have in mind for the rest of the country. The list of harmful progressive policies California’s leaders have imposed on California’s citizens is long and growing ever longer. Recently the Orange County Register published a column about the migration of the middle class out California. It seems we lead the nation. If progressive policies are so good, why are people fleeing the most leftist state in America?

Currently, California is a one-party state. In our last senatorial election in 2016, there wasn’t even a Republican candidate for the Senate on the ballot. (Voters got to choose between two Democrats, liberal Loretta Sanchez and extreme liberal Kamala Harris.) Naturally, one-party rule makes it much easier to pass all kinds of progressive legislation. And they have. Nationally, however, Progressive Democrats do not have the one-party lock on the government that they crave. To win that kind of control the Democrats are promising all kinds of “free” goodies, and attempting to scare voters into giving them power. Key issues for the 2020 Democrats include free medical care, canceling student loan debt, reparations, protection from climate change and action against gun-carrying white nationalists.

Leave aside the infeasibility of their promised giveaways, the legitimate questions on manmade climate change, and the outright lie about massive white racism, and instead consider the loss of freedoms Progressive Democrats want to inflict on our country. Saikat Chakrabarti, Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, admitted, “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all. Do you guys think of it as a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

The bottom line is that the more power Progressives have to promote their policies the fewer freedoms you have to live your life without government supervision. If you thought mandating the size of a soft drink you could order and whether or not you could use a straw while drinking it were invasive just wait until you see what the Green New Deal would demand of you. The Green New Deal is a blueprint or a road map of the kind of control Progressive Democrats would like to have. The Green New Deal would give them the power to tell you what to eat, what to drive, how high or low to set your thermometers, and on, and on, and on. So, when you vote in 2020 ask yourself how you want to live. Do you really trust Big Government not to abuse their power? Think of the DMV, think of the Post Office, think of the VA, which is a preview of government-run health care. (In 2014 CNN –not a right-wing outlet- reported that as many as 1000 deaths may have occurred because of VA malfeasance.)

Finally, ask yourself why Progressives are so set on limiting the First and Second Amendments, and restructuring the Supreme Court if they didn’t want the power to control American citizens? Free speech can be labeled hate speech. It’s already happening on college campuses. The Second Amendment was never about hunting or protecting yourself from petty criminals. It was to protect the citizenry against a tyrannical government. Progressives want a tyrannical government so of course, they want the people unarmed. If Democrats secure control of Congress and the Presidency, only the Supreme Court, currently with a conservative majority, could check the implementation of their progressive policies, so they want to restructure it, or at least impeach Justice Kavanaugh so they can push through unconstitutional policies that would increase their power and limit your freedoms.

The election in 2020 is about freedom. In 1887 Lord Acton wrote, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Giving the Progressive Democrats control of Congress and the Presidency in 2020 would give them the authority they so fervently desire. Can you trust them not to use the IRS to target political opponents, or use the Department of Justice, the FBI and Intelligence Agencies to undermine those who oppose them? Remember, President Obama, as far left as he was, was almost a moderate compared to the Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, and Warren wing of the party. It’s been said many times in many ways but those who would sacrifice freedom (our constitutional rights) for security (free stuff) deserve neither. If the voters let Progressive Democrats win control of the government we will most likely end up with neither.

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  1. Thank you !! If only more would take time to listen to those like you . I grew up in San Diego & I don’t go back to visit, I live in Texas near the border and almost need a passport to go to Walmart!

    How is it that our supposedly educated legislators that know nothing about what goes on can have the answers? They Can’t ! Their little quickie photo opts don’t mean a thing!

    Even the criminal trespasser that wants more for his family will, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, estimates that they will commit 3-4 FELONIES in 30 dayd. It is a felony to falsely sign or indicate that you are an American citizen on a government document. ie social security, social programs etc.

    These safe sanctuaries for criminals create more Angel Moms &
    Dads while holding law abiding citizens to live in fear, not freedom

    You are 100% right….These elections are a VOTE FOR FREEDOM. Not voting is a vote against the United States…The venom that has poisoned California flows eastward, IF you honestly love this great nation, get off of you hands and get involved. Worth having, worth fighting for

    Remember the Pledge of Allegiance

  2. @Jan Brown

    We (my wife and I) are “Angel Parents” We lost our youngest son and his fiancée to a three time convicted twice deported illegal WETBACK low life dirt bag felon in one of those LIEBERAL MANDATED Gun Free Zone.

    I cannot understand how or why elected officials are fine with encouraging these actions upon our citizens as well as how and why elected officials are fine encouraging illegal vermin to enter the U.S. then denying our own citizenry the right and ability to defend themselves by proclamation!

    What was most tragic this occurred in a LIEberally mandated gun free zone where my son “obeyed the law” and paid for it with his and his fiancée’s lives. I make it a point to NEVER be in a “gun free zone” as I carry no matter if I am in a mandated gun free zone and no one is the wiser.

    I see red whenever I hear a “bleeding-heart LIEberal” cry about injustice of “poor law abiding migrants” treated like the scum they are!!! Or how effective disarming law abiding citizens save lives. NONE of them have walked a mile in my shoes Our only solace was when justice was served when this dirt bag tried to rob an off duty cop who wasted that SCUMBAG POS.

    This was one of the most gratifying days of my life I am old enough to remember when mentally ill people were put in hospitals not in congress!!! Sadly the scumbags we have as “Faux Statesmen”, would rather focus on non issues rather than solve the real problems they create. I would not be the least bit surprised to learn that these cartels who deal in wholesale misery to the American people are BRIBING influential politicians into siding with them in order to obstruct and circumvent U.S. Law!!

    I have found that victims who shoot back tend to live longer only to be arrested and put in jail for exercising their God given (innate) and Constitutionally protected right to protect themselves!! There is definitely something seriously wrong with Lieberal politicians!!!

    I am old enough to remember when mentally ill people were put in hospitals not in congress and I would have never believed that I would live to see the day when corruption, sexual assault, pedophilia, and the invasion of America from people from foreign nations would be acceptable to so many!!!!

    Sadly the scumbags we have as “Faux Statesmen”, would rather focus on non issues rather than solve the real problems they create. I would not be the least bit surprised to learn that these cartels who deal in wholesale misery to the American people are BRIBING influential politicians into siding with them in order to obstruct and circumvent U.S. Law!!

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