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What Do Nancy Pelosi And The Vatican Have In Common?

The obvious answer, and you would be wrong, is that both Nancy Pelosi and the Vatican are pillars of the Catholic religion. Years ago, that might have gotten you partial credit. That was before Vatican II and Nancy Pelosi sold her soul to Planned Parenthood and the ridiculous idea that reproductive rights and abortion were not synonymous. No, the question has nothing to do with religion but about security. The Vatican and Nancy Pilosi’s San Francisco retreat are both protected from the unwashed by a wall. The elite believe in walls to protect themselves from the outside world but condemn those walls when they are used to protect the rest of the world or the sovereignty of our country. Then, those walls that let these great people, the Pope and Nancy, sleep soundly at night are a symbol of racism for the rest of us. What a hypothetical bunch of individuals, and that is being very kind.

Since 9-11, walls have become integral to the safety of countries, especially in Europe. In the same continent where one-world, one-nation was born, the progressive leaders of many European countries have seen that there are evil people in the world who must be kept on the other side of the wall if sovereign countries are to survive.

According to Slacker:

The Great Wall of China is almost certainly the grandest and most famous extended border fortification in history—but it wasn’t the world’s first security wall, and it certainly isn’t the last. Since 2015, construction started on more barriers than at any time in recent history, a trend that began with 9/11 and quickly escalated, Washington Post recently reported. From the United States to Central Asia, Europe to the Middle East, 63 walls, fences, and other physical barriers now exist between countries to define borders, prevent movement, discourage smuggling, repel migrants and refugees, and sometimes, just to make a statement of authority to the region and the world.

Since 2019, Kamala Harris has mocked the wall that Trump started to build to fortify our southern border. Her pet phrase was to call Trump’s project a “vanity project.” Harris has been on the record numerous times, claiming the Trump Project was a waste of money and a useless tool to secure our border and sovereignty. As Border Czar, Harris has not visited the wall in nearly four years of being an integral component and supporter of the Biden/Harris administration. She did not see a need to visit the open door created by her and Joe Biden that let nearly 12 million unvented migrants into our country. But, oh, how has the direction of the wind changed? Now that she is running for president again, she has to court independent votes, and the wall is now a great idea. If you ask her privately, she will probably claim the wall was her idea. That is Chameleon Presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Her values may be the same, but she has no morals whatsoever. Kamala Harris will say and tell you anything she must to secure your vote.

If it takes a wall to get elected, give Kamala a trowel and some bricks. If it takes huge checks for first-time home buyers to sign the mortgage, mix the cement, and give me a pen. If it takes condoning assault-like weapons to win the 47th presidency, then give her a fully loaded clip. Kamala Harris is not a chameleon, for that insults the reptile. Kamala Harris is a liar, and keeping track of those lies in the debate will be difficult. A task far too great for Kamala Harris to conquer. I believe Kamala Harris will make a fool of herself Tuesday night. Listen for the cackle. When you hear it, Kamala has lost the election, and Donald Trump is the 47th president of the United States.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media.Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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  1. Yes…the wall, heavy security and lots of gold too! They also both evaded attempts on their life. Nan threatened by the Canadian illegal and the pope by ISIS terrorist plotters. I am glad the pope escaped that fate. I believe Pelosi is the most disliked person in modern politics and Paulie got the short end of that stick.

    With ABC moderating, many know it will be the typical lamestream lack of insightful moderation and journalism we have come to know. The bias in coverage and questions will be obvious to thinking people. Unless Trump has a really bad night I do not believe it should not be difficult to expound upon Biden/Harris horrible record. I cannot think of one, single, positive thing this administration has accomplished. They claimed to have lowered the price of insulin for diabetics, but remember that was initiated by Trump. Funny how those lies are getting so easy to call out.

    The flip, flop flipper lies a lot.

    I will most definitely listen for the cackle and how long it takes her to use the word “felon”. I will also look for how the fake hair is attached and if she is donning the $62,000 Tiffany necklace. Watch her squirm if Springfield, Ohio gets mentioned.

    My concerns are: With all the illegals how can we even pretend to a free, fair election? How are we even entertaining a person who did not receive a solitary primary vote? What will be the repercussions if the Demwit is installed? How long will it take for them to dismantle what is left of our conservative media? Will a civil war will begin?

    Kick a Democrat. Kick them squarely and kick them hard. They deserve it. I believe they will cheat again. I don’t doubt it for a minute. I fear for our republic. God Bless America.

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