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Bloomberg Apologizes For Stop-And-Frisk Ahead Of Debates: ‘I Got Something Important Really Wrong’

Former mayor of New York Mike Bloomberg apologized Sunday for his previous stances on “stop-and-frisk” police strategies.

Bloomberg, who is reportedly pondering joining the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, formerly embraced the “stop-and-frisk” strategy as Mayor of New York, though critics said that the policy disproportionately impacts people of color.

But he reversed his stance on the policy Sunday ahead of the Democratic Debates as he spoke to a crowd at a black church in Brooklyn, according to CBS local.

Bloomberg acknowledged that he “can’t change history but said that he “was wrong.”

He also apologized for anyone who was wrongly stopped by police, the publication reports.“Over time I’ve come to understand something that I’ve long struggled to admit to myself. I got something important wrong,” Bloomberg told the congregation. “I got something important really wrong. I didn’t understand back then the full impact that stops were having on the black and Latino communities. I was totally focused on saving lives, but as we know, good intentions aren’t good enough.”

New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio tweeted Sunday that Bloomberg’s apology is “long overdue.” DeBlasio has focused on ending stop-and-frisk and made the policy a centerpiece of his campaign for mayor.

“This is LONG overdue and the timing is transparent and cynical,” DeBlasio tweeted. “With all due respect to my predecessor, we’ve spent six years undoing the damage he created with this bankrupt policy. We ended stop and frisk AND drove down crime. Actions speak louder than words.

Bloomberg’s apology comes only days after he apologized through a spokesman for crude comments made about former women employees.

“Mike has come to see that some of what he has said is disrespectful and wrong,” spokesman Stu Loeser said in a statement, the New York Times reported Wednesday. “He believes his words have not always aligned with his values and the way he has led his life.”

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One Comment

  1. Given Mike’s almost DNA based inability to EVER admit that he has made an error, one cannot help but think the only plausible explanation for this “apology” is that it is strategic rather than heartfelt. That leaves us with the opportunity to wait and see how gullible the Left is in swallowing his comments. Many probably will, as they readily believed President Obama’s promise that they could keep their Doctor and/or their existing health plan if “Obamacare” came into being. And they claim to hate rich people, but love Bernie; they claim to love truth, but support (well, sort of) Warren; want new blood, but support Biden. A lot of what many people would call “inconsistencies” there, but the Left seems unaware of the dichotomy.

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