US News

Candid Candidate Spotlight: Omari Faulkner (R) VA, U.S. Senate Race

RFSO spotlights the latest entry into the Virginia U.S. Senate Race for 2020.

Omari Faulkner, 37, is a former Georgetown University Men’s Basketball player who attended on a full athletic scholarship. He has served as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserves and former U.S. diplomat and is running on a Republican ticket. He met his wife while both working for the U.S. State Department stationed in India and are the parents to four young daughters.

Faulkner has his roots in Christianity, a strong work ethic and service. He gave an enlightening interview to The Daily Wire where he outlines his platform on core issues on Gun Control/Second Amendment, Immigration, Economy, Homeland and National Security, Wasteful Government Spending, and Defending our Liberties. See the details here.

Omari’s Views:

Economy: President Trump is doing incredible work on job creation. Minority employment is at an all-time low. More women are joining the labor force. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is more focused on expanding government to keep people in poverty.

Homeland and National Security: Keeping our home front secure must always be a top priority.

Immigration: For so long our country has been a beacon of hope to the rest of the world. Immigrants have always been an important pillar in our country and we should welcome them. That said, our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed. That starts with finishing the wall across our southern border, securing ports of entry, and closing immigration loopholes.

Wasteful Government Spending: As long as our government continues to expand in size, we will continue to see wasteful spending across the board, and it needs to stop.

Defending Our Liberties: The far-left, led by the cast of characters running for the Democratic presidential nomination and limelight-seeking members of Congress, have taken the quest to infringe upon our rights of free speech, freedom of conscience, and right to bear arms to a new, dangerous level.

Gun control: Omari’s take on the Democrats’ current push to impose gun control on Virginians. He responded:

I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Growing up in poor areas of Memphis, TN, I witnessed first-hand loved ones be victim to gun violence. It is not law-abiding citizens who are committing these crimes – it’s criminals. Virginia Democrats are wrong in their attempts to criminalize Virginians’ 2nd Amendment rights. We need to talk about mental health and other ways to prevent gun violence, but taking away Constitutional rights is not the answer.

Omari’s Resume:

  • Man-Tech International-Strategist
  • Commissioner Loudoun County Va. Economic Development
  • Virginia Governors Advisory Board on service and volunteerism
  • O Street International/Non-Profit Co-Founder and President
  • Public Affairs Officer U.S. Naval Reserves
  • CASA Special Advocate, Montgomery, Maryland
  • Adjunct Professor Georgetown University
  • Financial Management Officer U.S. State Department
  • PepsiCo-Sales Manager
  • U.S. Cultural Envoy

Check out his Launch Ad here:

Faulkner has four declared opponents in the GOP Primary at present and the victor will run in the General against Democratic Senator Mark Warren who has had the seat since 2009. Warner currently is in the powerful seat of Vice-Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

RFSO notes that the Virginia GOP Party is at war with one another, has not been successful at the ballot box where it counts for a decade, and failed to even have a candidate to choose in 2018 in half of the Virginia races. For those who wish to learn more or contribute to this candidate, they can go directly to his campaign site – click here.

RFSO plans to have more on GOP candidates in its series on Candid Candidate Spotlight. Look for this in future posts.

RFSO original article syndication source.

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