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Coronavirus Update: Two Planes Carrying 300 People From China to Arrive in U.S. Friday

The Department of Defense said that it is cooperating with multiple government agencies by offering to house 300 people on military bases.

“In support of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Defense is prepared to receive two Department of State-chartered evacuation flights from Wuhan, China currently scheduled to arrive on February 7th,” the Pentagon said in a statement.

One of the aircraft will refuel at Travis Air Force Base and continue on to Omaha, Nebraska via Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.  The other aircraft is en route to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in California via Vancouver, Canada.

“Our goal in bringing these evacuees back, and making sure that they’re safely quarantined for 14 days, to make sure that there is no spread of the virus from this group and that they’re managed safely while they’re here, that they have their healthcare needs met, “ said Captain Jennifer McQuiston with the CDC.

Those who clear quarantine will be given government travel assistance to return home. Those who get sick will be taken to hospitals that specialize in treating infectious diseases.

The facilities will be guarded by the U.S. Marshalls Service to ensure that no one gets in or out.

Coronavirus, labeled 2019-nCoV by the World Health Organization (WHO), is suspected to have been spread initially by bats in Wuhan, China, then by person-to-person transmission through respiratory droplets, and possibly through contact with infected persons and inanimate objects that have been touched by carriers.

The disease causes respiratory symptoms similar to SARS and MERS, also coronaviruses, and initially appears to spread faster (R0 of 1.5-5.5), but so far has a lower reported mortality rate (~3%).

The latest reported figures estimate 31,520 infected, 638 deaths, and 1,750 recoveries.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. January 22, 2020

    From: Samuel Hay


    Re: I HAD SARS

    As an ardent researcher in many different fields some discoveries over the years have purposely been hidden away to protect Big Pharma’s massive profits. Some of these discoveries, it utilized could, in addition to healing and creating an atmosphere of less suffering for millions of people worldwide, save our own Medicare and Medicaid programs.
    Getting right to it, first of all there is a solution called ‘silver colloid’ which quite simply is microscopic silver particles in water. The brand I used to cure my killer staph infection which had me in bed for three months, dying, only took ten days to completely cure. Living is a wetland area I later cured myself of Lyme Disease in two weeks using the same silver colloid. I can only recommend Mesosilver as my personal experience was with this particular brand.
    About forty years ago I discovered the properties of ozone in relation to fighting communicable disease. I had to build my own ozone machine. It and its replacements have run 24/7 for all this time. Although Big Pharma has most likely been the culprit in having the FDA issue a warning, Im 77 years old and healthy as a mule. No communicable disease in this household. When they first came on the market they were priced around $650.00 but today with mass production the average cost is around $100.00 and even less for smaller models which could be used in public bathrooms to eliminate all, I said “All” disease germs. Instantly kills the AIDS virus on contact for example and it would take at least 20 minutes in pure Clorox! Ozone will permeate every inch of homes/office.
    The ozone produced in the machine is a very small amount especially compared with a lightning storm. That lightning is what cleanses the atmosphere. Have you ever seen a sign that said, “Do not breathe while near a thunderstorm?” I don’t think so. Without a positive mentality to cure not just treat contagious disease, no clinical tests will ever be performed. If you were dying from a contagious repertory disease, would you want to give it a go? I absolutely would!
    Germs cannot, as with the silver, ever become immune and the Chinese are currently fearing a mutation of the germs creating a public health emergency there.
    In layman’s terms, the microscopic silver particles in water do not work the same way as antibiotics. When the bacteria or virus uses it to hydrate, it cuts their guts apart.
    The ozone produced by the machines is O3 allowing a very unstable electron to be pulled into the outer ring but is very unstable. When it comes in contact with other atoms it can be pulled away. In the event such nearby atoms are bacteria or virus, the germs are electrocuted on a microscopic scale.
    The essence of this exercise is to make public the potential of these two discoveries as preventative and curative properties. When I go out in large crowds I spray my throat and nostrils with the silver colloids in water. Simple as that. You can take the silver internally and also apply it externally to wounds.

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