Customs, Border and Immigration NewsIn The NewsSyndicated Posts

CBP Officers Seize $3.7 Million in Methamphetamine at Pharr International Bridge

PHARR, Texas—U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Field Operations (OFO) at the Pharr International Bridge cargo facility intercepted $3,704,000 worth of alleged methamphetamine that was hidden within a commercial shipment of fresh produce.

“Our officers at the cargo facility are committed to upholding our border security mission while ensuring that legitimate trade is facilitated and reaches its intended destination,” said Port Director Carlos Rodriguez, Port of Hidalgo/Pharr/Anzalduas.

Packages containing 185 pounds of methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Pharr International Bridge
Packages containing 185 pounds of methamphetamine
seized by CBP officers at Pharr International Bridge.

On July 6, CBP officers assigned to the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge cargo facility encountered a truck with a commercial shipment of fresh produce arriving from Mexico. A CBP officer referred the conveyance for further inspection, which included utilizing non-intrusive imaging (NII) equipment. After physically inspecting the tractor/trailer, officers discovered 22 packages of alleged methamphetamine weighing 185.18 pounds (84 kg) concealed within the trailer.

CBP OFO seized the narcotics, the tractor/trailer and the case remains under investigation by agents with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

For more information about CBP, please click on the attached link.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. WOW ! These guys/gals are beton fantastic !!!! They are proteting the gateway to our HOMEland day and night with little or no recognition and very modest pay. And have gone to funerals of fallen agents.

    To all of the anti-wall, open border I ask, “WHICH OF YOU WOULD WELCOME THIS LOAD OF DRUGS INTO YOUR OWN HOME? You know, the one that has a lock on the door and fenced yard? Do you stop and help the adict on the street or come to aid of law enforcement being shot at? ”

    We must excert every effort to BAN THE DRUGS AND THUGS or prepare to flush all that makes us exceptional down the toilet.

    Pay close attention to the state and local elections as well as the Federal candidates. VOTE FOR AMERICA

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