Editorial Cartoons

Someone’s Gotta’ Pay

Nothing is free. Joe Biden’s student loan bailout just shifts the burden onto taxpayers who did not agree to take on the loan in the first place.

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Cartoon by Gary Varvel, commentary by R. Mitchell, Editor-in-Chief

See more @Varvel toons HERE.

Gary Varvel

Gary Varvel is the editorial cartoonist for The Indianapolis Star.Born in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1957, Varvel was drawn to cartoons as a child when he saw a copy of MAD magazine. His freshman year at Danville High School in Danville, Indiana, Varvel won his first cartoon contest held by the school newspaper. Winning the award landed him a job as the staff cartoonist and he also became the sports editor. In 1974, he met Jerry Barnett, the editorial cartoonist for The Indianapolis News who mentored and encouraged him to pursue a career in cartooning.In 1975, Varvel studied visual communication at John Herron School of Art at Indiana University, Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI). In college he drew cartoons for the Sagamore, the college newspaper.In 1977, Varvel took a job at the County Courier, a small weekly newspaper in Brownsburg, Indiana. He drew one cartoon a week and worked as the production manager, laying out newspaper ads overseeing the composing room operation. A year later the newspaper closed and he began looking for another newspaper job in Indiana.Varvel was hired as an newsroom artist for The Indianapolis News when Jerry Barnett recommended him for the position. He spent the next 16 years working as the chief artist managing a 3-person art department. During that time, Varvel applied to many newspapers around the country for an editorial cartooning position. But in 1994, pulitzer prize winning cartoonist Charles Werner retired from The Indianapolis Star and Varvel's dream came true when he landed the position.Awards:2015 Inducted into Indiana Journalism Hall of Fame2012 National Headliners Award for editorial cartooning,2011 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award for Cartooning2010 National Cartoonists Society Reuben Award for Best Editorial Cartoonist Division2010 Grambs Aronson Award for Cartooning with a Conscience for his Path to Hope series on Child poverty.Fifteen-time first place winner of the Indiana Society of Professional Journalists' Award for Best Editorial CartoonThirteen-time winner of the first place award for Best Editorial Cartoonist in the Hoosier State Press Association Contest2006 H. Dean Evans Legacy Award for community serviceVarvel is also a board member of House of Grace Films and co-writer and producer of the films, THE BOARD (2009) and THE WAR WITHIN (2014). www.thewarwithinmovie.com Varvel lives west of Indianapolis with his wife, Carol and they have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.Varvel also co-created the comic Off Center.

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One Comment

  1. Colleges have continually lowered their standards (while continually increasing costs) to pump out ultra liberal college graduates with no marketable degrees in majors like “Gender Studies” or “Black Studies”. The colleges don’t care because the government now owns the student loan business so the colleges always get paid and the government gets all the interest on the loans. That’s why colleges have been increasing their tuition at an enormous rate (way above the inflation rate) for years. The indoctrinated students are angry because they can’t get jobs (except at Starbucks) but will always vote Democratic because they are promised “loan forgiveness” and now Joe Brandon has passed another illegal “executive order” to make that happen. Of course, the government won’t really pay for any “loan forgiveness”; it’s just another 400 billion dollar money printing exercise (like the just passed 370 billion “Inflation Reduction Act”) that will dramatically increase inflation and increase taxes on the middle class. Moreover, it’s an immoral and criminal affront to steal money from every American; especially those who paid their loans or the majority of Americans who never went to college.

    Meanwhile, the real high paying six figure jobs (Plumber, Welder, Electrician) face massive shortages across the country because all those kids were getting their useless degrees instead of preparing for “real life” work. The government needs to stop all financial support of universities and remove their tax exempt status (let them stand or fall on their own), and get out of the student loan business. All the major Universities have tens of billions in endowments and the taxpayers are going to pay for this illegal giveaway? Then the Department of Education needs to be dismantled. At this point they are just another bloated government waste of taxpayer dollars with thousands of employees and a 68 Billion dollar budget.

    Of course that will never happen as this government continues its mission to destroy the American middle class and rule us by a cabal of elite Democrats and their compliant “woke” big business partners. They’ve already weaponized all the government three letter agencies and the mainstream and social media against the political opposition. They promise to let the big businesses who support them keep their tax breaks and monopolies and through our completely open border, they will get all the cheap foreign labor they want. So the coup is almost complete. When they are finished there will just be two classes of people; the rich Democratic overlords in collusion with their subservient big business oligarchs and the poor masses. Just like any other Socialist/Communist state in the history of the world.

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