Gun News

How to Select an Optic for a 500-yard Line?

Aside from the rifle model you’re using, what also contributes to your shooting experience is the equipment you use. One important equipment piece is the rifle scope – an amazing tool that allows you to see in the distance, making it a great ally when hunting or target shooting.

If you’re shooting at 500 yards, then you need an optic that lets you shoot at this distance without difficulty. That being said, you’ll have to shop for your new optic, but this is not always as easy as it sounds. There are just too many of these products out there, so choosing one will take some time – especially if you want to make sure you end up with a high-quality one. So, are you ready to start shopping for an optic for a 500-yard line?

Consider the Ideal Magnification

One key thing to consider when it comes to purchasing an optic for a 500-yard line is the magnification. Magnification will allow you to zoom in on the target, so you can see whether it’s the one you are looking for. This is helpful when you’re hunting, and you want to make sure you are spotting the deer you thought you saw and not another animal. Without having the right magnification, taking an accurate shot will be harder than you think.

Therefore, when it comes to magnification, you should consider having at least 5X. It is the bare minimum level of magnification for 500-yard line shots. Of course, since it’s the minimum, even this amount of magnification is not going to be perfect when you’re making shots. So, if possible, you should go for much higher than that. 10X magnification should be suitable enough to allow you to take an accurate shot. Besides, there are situations when you need to get a clear view of the target, in which case, higher magnification is a must.

Especially when you’re dealing with smaller targets, higher magnification is necessary. Otherwise, it would be difficult to see what you’re shooting at.

What you should also keep in mind when choosing a certain magnification for your new optic is that there are two types of magnification: fixed and variable. Therefore, you can either have a scope that has only one magnification level, or one that has a wider range of levels. Go with whichever is more convenient for you.

Eye Relief Matters

Eye relief is also very important when shooting at 500 yards using a rifle optic. But of course, the eye relief will greatly depend on what type of rifle you are using. That being said, if you have a rifle with a lot of recoil, then you need as much eye relief as you can get. On the other hand, you can settle for less eye relief if you can deal with the amount of recoil generated by the gun.

Picking a Suitable Reticle

As expected, you cannot have an ideal experience with a rifle scope unless you also picked the right reticle. Reticles allow the shooter to lock on the target, meaning you’ll be able to get an accurate shot at the target. Since that’s what all shooters are going for, you should select the right reticle as well.

Which Weight Is Suitable?

Although there are all these features related to image quality and accurate shooting that you should consider, one aspect that should not be overlooked is the weight. Keep in mind that rifle scopes add some weight to your firearm, and even a 500-yard optic can add too much weight for some people. After all, the gun already weighs a lot, and you may have other equipment that also adds to the weight. A heavy optic thrown into the mix will make everything much harder to handle since it will get heavier.

If the optic is too heavy, you will feel tired after wielding the gun for too long, and you’ll not be able to focus and make an accurate shot. The shot will be off due to the actual weight that the optic is adding. So, when you’re looking for a rifle optic for a 500-yard line, always consider how much it weighs.

How Much Is the Objective Size?

When you’re shooting, you need to have the right objective size as it helps you figure out the size of the image picture. If you want to get a proper image of the environment and a better time spotting small game, then a larger objective will do the job just perfectly.

If you shoot at 500 yards, always go with a model that shows you a quality image, considering you’re at a medium distance from the target. One suitable model for this is the Nikon Prostaff 7 SF M BDC. The model has a 50mm objective lens. The image quality is outstanding, as the lens collects a lot of light for the dawn and dusk performance and can spot shaded targets as well. Isn’t that great?

With that in mind, you should never underestimate the benefit of a high objective.

Final Thoughts

Shooting at 500 yards will always require you to have the right optic, at least as long as you want a good experience and not a disappointing one. If you select the right rifle scope model, then you can rest assured that you will see the target clearly and you can shoot at it accurately. Consider the tips offered in this post and picking the right scope will be a piece of cake.

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