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Maxine Waters says ‘Trump is Jealous of Obama’

President Donald Trump often criticizes former President Barack Obama because “he’s jealous of Obama and his administration,” said Rep. Maxine Water (D-CA.) on Saturday.

Appearing on MSNBC, Waters discussed Trump’s tweet stating that President Obama should have done more about Russian’s interfering in our elections. Waters replied by claiming the reason why Trump is so critical of Obama is that he’s jealous of him:

“First of all, let me say this If the president wrote out at some point and said the sky is falling and it is Obama’s fault, and everybody knows he likes to blame Obama for any and everything that he can come up with. And in addition to that, it is very clear that he’s jealous of Obama and his administration and the fact that he was able to do so well,” said Waters.

Water further added she doesn’t know why anybody takes him seriously.

”And so he’ll keep blaming him over and over again, trying to undo the public policy such as the ACA put in place by Obama and so everybody kind of knows who he is at this point,” she added “He’s defined himself pretty well. I don’t know why anybody takes him seriously,” said Waters.


Brady Kenyon

Brady is a contributing writer for Conservative Daily News.

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One Comment

  1. BS! It isn’t possible to be jealous of a jug eared, half-white, incompetent, gay, Muslim Marxist.

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