OpinionTrending Commentary

If Anyone Had Any Doubt About Biden’s Disregard For America, He Just Admitted It

When Joey puts on his big-boy pants and feels foxy following a good, long, afternoon nap, he sometimes actually speaks his mind and goes a little too far with the truth about his, and his party’s, attitude about America.

The New York Times has just reported that Joey made a policy speech today (Feb. 19, 2021) in which he stated that he is no longer following Trump’s “America First” policy.

Joey’s truthful expression causes me to think of a few questions he should be required to answer: Exactly where does America rank in your estimation? Are we second in the world, fifth, ninety-ninth? And who is rated in first place, if not the nation where you reside, and in which you now serve as president? Is China, where you and your son made so much money, first in rank? You seem to love Central American countries, given your invitation for citizens of those nations to head north, but admitting them to America, which in your opinion is not a first-rate country, seems a conflict with your attitude of America’s low rating.

And if America isn’t first in your opinion, then, in the event of a nuclear attack on America, how would you decide what to do as a response? If China or Russia attacked us, would you fail to respond in kind because we are so low-rated in your estimation? If China attacked us, would you fail to respond because China out-ranks America on your scale of value and therefore you would allow America to be completely devastated by this foreign attack? How high on your preference list does American have to rank in order for you to order a full, pedal-to-the-metal, nuclear annihilation response strike on the nation that attacked us? And if Chinese soldiers invaded our shores, would you let them stay and occupy a city or two out of love for China, or would you order our armed forces to resist this assault on our soil with all their might?

If America is such a terrible place, how hard would you, as president, work to find or create jobs for unemployed American citizens? It’s a cinch that you regard Honduras more favorably than America, otherwise you would not have invited an invasion of our southern border by masses of caravans from Central America, populated by people who will gladly take the jobs you would deny to American citizens. Would you undo all of Trump’s America-favorable trade agreements in order to give more favorable treatment to your better-liked foreign nations? Or maybe you would just casually award more favorable trade standards to every other nation of the world at America‘s expense.

In step with a low disregard for America is an equal disregard for our constitution. As I recall, you swore to defend and uphold the constitution of America, but that’s hard to do when you don’t rate America itself highly. And a disservice to the health of America’s citizens can become a reality if you don’t think that all Americans, Democrat and Republican alike, are equally deserving of the Wuhan vaccine, which you seem anxious to give to foreign nations before all Americans are vaccinated, plus members of your party are saying that anyone who voted for Trump in 2020 is a domestic terrorist, so how can these people compete with the citizens of your favorite nation, which is not America?

How can a man serve this nation as president when he has such a low opinion of America? And apparently that low opinion extends to the fools who were stupid enough to vote for Joey for president, because any nation is just made up of its citizens, and our Joey doesn’t seem to be too favorably disposed to American citizens at the moment.

Regrettably, we have a full four years of this idiotic, anti-American, anti-Republican crap to put up with, under President Joey.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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  1. Rush Limbaugh was 100% right about “The Left”. They can’t win with their anti-American ideas (like these that good old Joey is peddling) so they resort to lying to their constituents, cheating (pretending they’re something they’re not), and stealing (as they did the election). The whole democrat party is such a sorry lot. “Thinking themselves wise, they became fools.”

  2. It’s impressive how unhinged this opinion piece is. You truly believe if a country bombed America, landed troops on our shores, or anything else like that the president wouldn’t take action. I cannot get behind this type of thinking. It’s simply absurd.

    It’s honestly sad to read this.

  3. Mr. Joe,
    You picked the wrong example to try to criticize my article. Not only is Prez Joey not defending our nation from a foreign invasion, he’s personally responsible for the actual invasion that ‘s occurring along our southern border at this very minute. Caravans of Central American citizens, and probably Mexican citizens as well, are indeed invading our border in vast numbers, without our authorities knowing who they are, what diseases they may be carrying or what weapons they may be smuggling into America, and it was Joey Biden way back during the Democrat primaries, who said that not only should we allow illegals to enter our country, he even said that they should get healthcare and welfare, too, once they get here illegally. Joey invited these illegal people, and he is responsible for any mischief they do to America or to our own citizens.
    As my piece stated, Joey has removed America and its citizens from President Trump’s “First-Place” consideration in all dealings with the world, and we are already seeing disastrous consequences from Joey’s mentally-deficient, poorly thought out policies.

  4. How would u know when all the last species of an animal is extinct. U need a tracker and a set amount of time to c the decline. I think trackers on people if daddy said so 22 c will suffice. They will give info when u crossed police records and what not and how long it’s been since u came illegally over the border if u think u would apply for welfare. There is gonna be a wait time to apply if came illegally so much useful info in a tracker at the expense of consumerism. U know maybe it will know what u bought and use the data. Ppl aren’t dumb if it’s not secure it’s gonna cause more debt for the ppl trying to bring it to market

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