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Homeland Chief: Situation at the Border is Trump’s Fault

Echoing President Biden’s excuses for the coronavirus response, Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas blamed the Trump administration for everything happening at the southern border.

In a White House press briefing Monday, Mayorkas repeatedly said that he has to rebuild the entire immigration system from scratch. Similar to President Biden’s false statement that his administration had to start from scratch on a COVID vaccine.

Deflecting blame for the situation at the border, Biden’s Homeland chief said that the previous administration had “dismantled” the entire system and put obstacles in the way that prevent a timely reconstruction of the system.

Secretary Mayorkas also falsely blamed the Trump administration for the separation of immigrant children from adults. That separation began in 1997 under Clinton due to the Flores Consent Decree (Flores v. Reno) and was broadened by an Obama-era 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision (Flores v. Lynch) that applied Flores to all children whether accompanied or not.

Former President Trump actually signed an executive order in 2018 requiring HHS to keep children with their families “to the extent permitted by law.”

Oddly, the press in the room never challenged Mayorkas’ obviously false claims.

By focusing attention on the previous administration, Mayorkas attempted to absolve Biden of any fault for the wave of migrants arriving at the border in hopes of taking advantage of the open borders policies the president promised during the campaign.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Mr. Secretary, you are mistaken. You had to do nothing but leave the existing plans in place to keep the border secure. Someone with serious anti-Trumpism decided to upend a very successful system and now faces an unending stream of unwanted and in some cases undesirable ILLEGIAL immigrants. Which in turn tells those immigrants who are participating in the legal application process that their time, effort and money mean nothing when mobs can assault the border and be accepted by a wrong headed administration and policy! Not to mention the cancelling of construction of a proper border infrastructure!

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