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Wisconsin Protest: Jackass of the Week Award.

Wisconsin State Senator Jon Erpenbach (D- of course) has been all over the news this past week, as he is one of the Democrats in Wisconsin that ran out on their duly sworn oaths of office that mandates that they show up in the Wisconsin State Legislature and actually do the job they are being paid to do. For this type of action, plus his total denial of reality in his press statements, (provided below) I have bestowed upon him the dishonor of the Jackass of the Week Award!

There is your Jackass of the Week folks. Let me be clear on one point before I lay out the criteria as to why he gets this dishonor. I see other websites and online news groups being pressured and bullied when putting up public information on our elected representatives.This game of childish hide and seek from the people they serve has to stop. The people have the right to know who is doing what, and how to identify them so when they see them they can address the issues that concern them.

We have thousands of elected Tyrants across the land that refuse to answer their taxpayer funded telephones, refuse to answer emails and letters and think they can just hide from them. If you don’t want to talk and/or listen to the people you serve, then get the hell out of government, it is that simple. We will not tolerate this kind of oppression any longer. We will be heard and you will not stop us from sahring information that shows your true colors. Clear enough?  So there is the Jackasses picture for all to see, in case you run into him while he is hiding in some hotel, bar, restaurant, or wherever these sad examples of the Wisconsin Senate Democrats are hiding.  Tell him to get back to work, or recall him and the rest of these self-important obstructionists.

I found a very interesting article over at  FOX6NOW.com* that contained a quote from Mr. Erpenbach. In reading this quote, I discovered that this man is the same age as me, and I found myself wondering how he could make such misleading and false statements on national TV. Is he really this out of touch with reality, or just plain ignorant ?

“Democratic Sen. Jon Erpenbach said he and his colleagues wouldn’t return until Walker compromised.” and went even further into his complete denial of reality with the statement, “It’s not so much the Democrats holding things up,” Erpenbach said. “It’s really a matter of Gov. Walker holding things up.” (Emphasis mine)

How could  it be that Governor Walker is holding things up, when you are the ones acting childish and irresponsibly, in running and hiding out in another state?  Talk about twisting the facts around there. When we hear ridiculous statements like these, we must always consider the source. This man was born in 1961, grew up in Wisconsin, then did 2 years at a college in Oshkosh. ( no degree mentioned in his bio) After that, he worked for 3 Wisconsin radio stations, then went on to work in the State Assembly and Senate in media relations and as a communications director. Yes that is in bold type, because that is an amazing bit of information considering his recent statements that earned him the Jackass of the Week award here. Media relations and Communications Director? Can you say spin doctor? How about propagandist?  This guy must be a hell of a spin doctor to get elected to the Wisconsin senate with what I view as zero real world accomplishments or any proven skills in anything other than media propaganda artistry, which is also a nice word for being a skilled liar.

Now that we have taken a closer look at this man’s accomplishments in life,( or lack thereof) take another look at his face up there. Here we see nothing more than a petty propagandist who represents the Democratic Party of today, nothing more.  How in the hell he got elected to the Wisconsin Senate was truly a mystery to me at first glance. In seeing his background in media spin, and the Liberal  Democratic Party he represents today, it certainly doesn’t seem like such a mystery any more.

Congratulations Senator Erpenbach, on winnng the Jackass of the Week award. We will be watching for your future media spin interviews from wherever you are cowering down these days to hide from doing your sworn duties in the Wisconsin Senate. Who knows, maybe you will win the Jackass of the Year award before your irresponsible actions come  to a head up in Wisconsin. Now grow up, get back to your duly sworn duties in Wisconsin and stop acting like such a disgusting, pathetic,disingenuous two year old !  The people of Wisconsin deserve better than this. And one more thing,  your party LOST the elections. Elections have consequences, as we have all been told for the last four years of tyrannical Democratic rule in this country. Remember that?

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. You should come to Madison and see how peaceful these protests are. No paid union thugs, just working people who are fed up with the rich buying politicians to create corporate welfare while the little guy takes the hit. Enough already. Stand up America.

    1. Holy cow! Thanks for the heads up Dan. When writing that article, I was thinking this guy is my age, so how can he make such an ignorant statement about Walker holding up the Senate business, lol.

      The fault lays solely at the hands that contain the old fingers that wrote this article. I know better, and I hate seeing errors and poor grammar in news articles, mags, books or any other reading material. Glad you caught it before too many readers started asking me how it feels to be in my 90’s! Please excuse the typo, I will proofread more carefully from here on out.

      Thanks again,


  2. Just when the Tea Party had a chance to be taken seriously, this is not the sort of thing to grow support. You mean well, but really…

  3. Sorry Frank, no Teaparty member here, just a concerned patriotic American pointing out the hypocrisy of the Dems holding out and not doing their jobs while blaming that on Walker.After all it is these jerks who are hiding in a hotel out of state not Walker, or doesnt that fact mean anything to you here?
    That statement makes this Independent see him as a Jackass living in a denial reality and spewing lies about it at the same time. This is about the functioning of the State of Wisconsin being held up by a bunch of jerks not doing the job they were elected and get paid to do, not a thing to do with the Teaparty . But some folks want to try to make it out to be anything other than the truth as is written here. That is sad.

    1. Thank you lex for such an intelligent, well thought out comment. So much for the “new civility” Obama and his clown company and Union thugs show us today, such as lexes example here.

      FYI- If you have something to bring besides childish veiled fake threats, “bring it”

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