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Shame, Shame on Every One of You

Chuck Schumer went mythical on Wednesday as he claimed the Dark Shadow of Trump has you all in darkness and then proceeded to cast his own version of a spell on the right side of the Senate Chamber by chanting Shame, Shame on all of you. Has Chuck been granted some superpower as he was elevated to Majority Leader or is he becoming an Evangelical? Either way, it was horrible theater and if anyone in D.C. knows bad theater it’s Drama Queen Chuck Schumer.

He went on to ask his Republican counterparts why they are afraid of our democracy. We do not have a democracy, we have a Republic. A collection of 50 individual states, with rights given by our Constitution, united by a Federal Government. How could the Senate Majority Leader make this mistake or was it a mistake? This Bill, H.R. 1, which is called “For the People Act” but should be called “Take Advantage of People Act”, would strip all rights concerning elections from the states and put all power under the arm of the Feds. Talk about a power grab. This bill is designed to favor the Democrat Party and if passed, would virtually ensure we would never see a Republican elected to any position including Truant Officer.

Let’s look at some of the more offensive elements of H.R. 1:

  1. The responsibility of elections would be transferred from the States to Congress
  2. Election donation matching at 6:1 rate….in other words, I donate $100 to Chris Pappas (never happen) and $600 will be transferred from your tax dollars to the Pappas campaign…..our tax dollars would be used to keep these abusers of power in office forever.
  3. Ballots can be counted up to 10 days after Election Day and Ballot Harvesting would be legal in all 50 states.
  4. Support for D.C. statehood which would ensure two Democrat Senators and at least one mor Representative.
  5. Allowing campaign funds for certain personal expenses
  6. Registering kids to vote…lowering voting age to 16
  7. Restrictions on State’s ability to purge voting lists
  8. To make it illegal to require an ID to vote

These are just some of the key elements. In order to pass this bill, the Senate will have to blow up the Filibuster and that is something the Dems are very interested in doing. This would do away with the Super Majority of 60 to pass a bill in the Senate and reduce the Senate to a simple majority like the House.

There is a reason that this was the first bill introduced this year when the Dems control Congress and the White House. Pushing through these changes to ensure Democrat dominance of our Government forever. This to them was far more important than a legitimate COVID relief bill or maybe immigration reform. This play in Congress along with an uncertainty of who is actually in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is about as dangerous as a Joe Biden walk up the stairs of Air Force One. We are in deep trouble and dangerous waters, the sharks are circling and we Conservatives are simply the chum.

Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media.Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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  1. HR.1 is not an anti-corruption bill, it is a pro-demokrat corruption bill, passed just to give the demokrats their jollies and more power. How can they pass this with any sense of decency? They are sick, they think people don’t see into their warped minds? The only thing it has to do with “people” is that it will “screw” the people. Name it what it truly is “The Screw The People” bill. Get rid of this now. How dare they do this after what has just happened in a stolen election? Schumer, pelosi, Rep. john sarbanes D-Maryland, and their henchmen are thumbing their noses at us, they are the worst people we could ever have in our government to make any laws for We The People” and they need to be permanently laid off.

  2. They have done such a good job by naming it “by the people and for the people” like they are gifting us with a new and improved bill of rights, but instead of passing your laws in the middle of the night on weekends and making them 800 pages long to hide all the ridiculously insane garbage, why don’t they let the 335 million of us decide whether or not we want to codify into law the stealing of elections? We are rapidly becoming the laughing stock/horror of the rest of the world. THis will now mean that whoever prints the most fake ballots wins? Our country of 335 million people will now be casting 700 million votes and the media will still be saying nothing to see here, move on. The only dillusional people who would ever approve of this are the probably hundred thousand give or take communists who think this is a o kay and dont realize that they will be standing in a mile long group of people with the rest of us to buy a $100 loaf of bread, if it is available. Heck, even without passing the steal elections bill, they already have complete power and will never lose another election, because if they can get away with what they just pulled in 2020 in front of the whole world, they will just keep doing it in every election from here on out while the media, tech slum and corrupt judges cover it up and repeat their golden motto ” no evidence of fraud, nothing to see here, move on.” May God have mercy on this country.

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