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The Post Office is Stalking You and I’ve Started Investigating: Part 1

It was reported on Wednesday that the US Postal Service is monitoring Americans’ social media activity for no apparent reason. After that story, I immediately filed a FOIA request for documents and communications covering the funding, purpose, and actions of the Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) project.

Today, I received acceptance of my FOIA, the request to expedite, and the right of a news organization to get this information without cost. The image below is the full response I received today with only some personally identifying information blacked out.

I will pursue this wherever it leads and keep our readers informed.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. I hate my post office. They stole my $60 township resident trash cars 3 years in a row. They’ve intercepted two silver clin shipments, frequently open my mail or damage it by shoving it into my po box whether it says do not bend or not. They are rude, lazy, feckless with one or two exceptions. The post manager is always scowling and unhelpful and the building is strewn with trash from overstuffed recycle bins that are rarely emptied. When we have an important letter, we drive 8 miles to a different post office to ensure delivery. A couple years ago all white postal workers were replaced with black most of whom are openly contemptuous of their 99% white residents. I have no doubt that these workers would intercept mailed ballots knowing that 90% are Republicans.

  2. Like USPS everywhere, service is deplorable (or non-existent). I do not and have not utilized to PO for any deliveries. FedEx ground or UPS work just fine, have tracking and very reasonable delivery times.

    That ANY government agency believes they have any right to surveil their customers / employers (We The People) only demonstrates just how far Our Country has fallen. That none of our politicians are working for us only demonstrates how big a problem (government) this really is.

    Time for the USPS to be de-funded and disbanded.

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