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China Joe and the Wuhan Virus: A Search for the Truth

The Blue State Conservative

The United States, China and many other foreign governments are rife with unscrupulous and corrupt people, who don’t let a little thing like a treaty, namely “The Convention on the Prohibition of Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction” [referred to as the Biological Weapons Convention], get in the way of their pursuit of unseemly, even dangerous agendas. They seem to always be seeking “loopholes” and end-runs around the mandates of the agreements, through non-governmental agencies, private laboratories, university research groups and relatively obscure government agencies with little oversight, like the National Institute for Health. They choose the more destructive, immoral and evil path, rather than simply following the treaty’s requirements to safeguard the good of all people, in their “gain-of-function” Dr Frankenstein experiments, that one day may actually crash us into the end-of-world days.

All of the recent rigamarole to usher forth from the Wall Street Journal’s recent May 23rd article, that revealed a preponderance of the evidence clearly indicates the source of the COVID-19 Virus was in fact the laboratory at Wuhan, China, is meaningless and serves no constructive purpose, so long as the United States is led by China Joe and his communist cronies, who are currently emulating China far more than America’s Founding Fathers. Anyone reasonably expecting China Joe to kill his Chinese Golden Goose is seriously living in fantasyland, unicorns, Peter Pan and all.

However, the new U.S. intelligence report that reveals several researchers from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill with something that seemed like a severe case of the flu in November 2019 has forced China Joe and his people to give serious attention to the evidence, especially in light of the unanimous passage of Senator Josh Hawley’s bill, on May 24th, which calls for the Director of National Intelligence to declassify “any and all” links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the COVID-19 Virus outbreak within ninety days.

On May 26th, speaking from the Senate floor, Senator Hawley (R-MO) stated:

“I think it’s time the American people got to decide for themselves. It’s time that they actually got to see the evidence that the United States government has collected on this issue.”

Suffice it to say, the WSJ’s “news” wasn’t news to many of us who had been paying attention from the start. However, now that refuting the China Connection no longer serves the Democrats’ political agenda to unseat President Trump, they have done a complete reversal, due to continued pressure from Congress to find out precisely who is responsible for the outbreak which destroyed so much of our economy and took so many American lives.

According to the Chinese government, the first confirmed COVID case in Wuhan was December 8th 2019.

As early as February 28th 2020, I wrote the following: “COVID-19 was identified clinically in Wuhan in December, and soon after, Dr Li Wenliang gave warning of its dangerous effects, describing it as a type of ‘pneumonia’, and he was dead by the end of January.”

Anyone investigating this situation with a scientific mind has already found it more than odd that the COVID-19 Virus [SARS-CoV-2] has yet to be identified in any animal species, much less any bat in the Wuhan region.

In a March 26th 2021 article in MIT Technological Review, the Chinese head of the joint Chinese-WHO investigation, Liang Wannian, is quoted saying:

“[Chinese authorities] tested 50,000 animal specimens, including 1,100 bats in Hubei province, where Wuhan is located. But no luck: a matching virus hasn’t been found.”

While researching the SARS outbreak in 2003, researchers tested animals that were regularly eaten by the Chinese, and they almost immediately found a nearly identical virus in raccoon dogs and Himalayan palm civet cats. But to date, no food animal has been identified as a reservoir for this new COVID-19 virus, responsible for this pandemic, despite the tests conducted on tens of thousands of geese, pigs and goats.

Numerous well accredited scientists have already stated that the COVID-19 virus has not yet been discovered or isolated in any of the existing species of bats, some 1,400 in number. Although a virus which shares 96% of its genome in common with SARS-CoV-2 has been discovered in one bat species in China, that’s not significant once one considers humans share 96% of our genome with chimpanzees. Humans are transmitting this to other humans, not catching it from bats or contaminated food in a seafood market.

Many highly respected, highly educated and extremely credible men and women, such as Frank Gaffney, a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under President Reagan, and Paul Craig Roberts, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Pres. Reagan, pointed at the Wuhan Institute as the culprit at the center of the COVID-19 pandemic. And, while neither are doctors or medical scientists, both have intricate security and intelligence ties even now that keep them better informed than the average citizen regarding the day’s most important events.

Gaffney is on the record at his Center for Security Policy noting that China has been involved in the pursuit of biological warfare weapons, since as far back as the 1970s, when they first started really taking a hard look at the U.S. as their enemy of the future. And here we are today.

On February 10th 2020, Dr Leonard G. Horowitz wrote a letter to the White House for eyes at the Office of Science and Technology and the Department of Homeland Security, that detailed how COVID-19 was a manufactured biological weapon: “This discovery of weaponizing 2019 nCoV with HIV’s attachment mechanism is compounded by the finding of evolutionary biologist Dr James Lyons-Weiler of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. Dr. Lyons showed the coronavirus’ genetic sequence contains a unique ‘middle fragment’ encoding for a SARS protein inserted to presumably increase respiratory distress using ‘Shuttle’ technology used exclusively in labs, not nature.”

“Accordingly, it is unreasonable to presume 2019 nCoV came from bats, snakes, or nature. Alternatively, we must presume this germ was manufactured as a bioweapon, and released for political gain (i.e., bioterrorism).”

In the Congressional Record for Tuesday, July 1st 1969, one will see Defense of Defense Appropriations for 1970, Subcommittee on Department of Defense Appropriations, and on page 129 of Part 5, Research, Development, and Evaluation,  “Synthetic Biological Agents”, one finds that the AIDS-virus envelop gene now attached to COVID-19 was part of the synthetic germ we now call HIV.

Calling the release of the COVID-19 virus an “unintended event” and noting this had happened at bio-war labs before, Francis Boyle, a biowarfare expert and author of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989, is in agreement, as he noted in February 2020 that four other recent scientific studies confirm COVID-19 is an engineered bioweapon, with elements added to make it resistant to human immune systems and easier to spread. Boyle documented the work that made the virus more easily spread was conducted at the University of North Carolina, while the HIV component was created in an Australian facility, and he further shows that Chinese scientists from the Wuhan BSL-4 biowarfare lab were present in both the UNC and Australian labs and participated in the research. And according to Boyle, the Chinese scientists returned to Wuhan, each with an essential part that led to the creation of COVID-19. 

In light of Dr Anthony Fauci’s continued protestations that he didn’t facilitate “gain-to-function” studies at the Wuhan laboratory, one should note that Peter Daszak, president of the research nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, partnered with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2014 to study bat coronaviruses and, over a five year period, he provided $598,000 in funding, from the National Health Institute funding to the Chinese lab to support its research.

One Chinese doctor, Shi Zhengli, worked on coronavirus research with the NIH until 2014, when the research was discontinued in America, as being too dangerous. Zhengli returned to China where she continued the research and worked to develop gain to function capabilities in it and the transmission from species to species. In other words, she was working to weaponize the virus for the Chinese government.

Just as everything else is under the watchful eye and control of the Chinese Communist Party, so too is the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has also served the Chinese military and the People’s Liberation Army as its biological weapons center for years. Former Deputy Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger told Margaret Brennan as much on February 21st, during an interview on Face the Nation. Pottinger also noted that the circumstantial evidence points to “an explanation that says that this resulted from some kind of human error” much more than anything that suggests a natural outbreak.

The slow “discovery” and release of information on this COVID-19 event and the crisis that ensued is largely due to the fact that so much of the nation’s major news outlets, whether one speaks of the New York Times, Bloomberg or Fox News, has deep ties with Chinese agents through the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF). This group also has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party and it has essentially been bribing U.S. lawmakers and sponsoring trips to China for them, in order to obtain “favorable coverage” and policy for China from the U.S. government, regardless of which party holds the White House; and the number of Republican and Democrat names involved with the CUSEF is astounding, as they range from Governors, Congressmen and Senators to State Representatives and even mayors.

A year ago, President Trump was referring to the COVID Virus as “the China Virus” and “the Wuhan Virus”, but China’s President Xi and the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party adamantly denied, denied and denied some more. And rather than following President Trump’s lead and the intelligence on the matter, our mainstream, anti-Trump, Leftist media followed the Chinese propaganda machine.

Without any real access to China’s data, we will never know if this was a simple accident or a planned event designed to damage America, even though we know that Chinese scientists have been working on race-specific viruses as part of their research — viruses that attack other racial groups much more aggressively than Asian people. But we do know that they tried to cover it up initially, while they locked down the entire city of Wuhan and still allowed other Chinese to travel in and out of the country to America, until Trump enacted a temporary travel ban.

If it was an “accident” it still suggests that we should start separating our national business and the nation’s interests from China, to prevent future “accidents” along with their theft of our science and innovative advancements in all areas and to answer their other aggressive moves against U.S. interests in the world.

If it wasn’t an accident, it is tantamount to an act of war, and that would require the strongest response.

However, China Joe loves his Chinese Commie Buddies and Chairman Xi, and he isn’t going to do anything which would even remotely endanger whatever side deals he has with China — like leaving doors open to U.S. nuclear secrets as he did in 2014 as Vice-President — and the kickbacks he is receiving from his son, who is so far up Xi’s ass, he could pass for Chinese by now. With many other billion-dollar deals in the making, just like Hunter Biden’s $1.5 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Bank of China in 2013, no one should be surprised when China Joe starts inviting whole battalions of Chinese to DC to help him solidify the dictatorship he has in mind for America.

Biden is the guy who shut down President Trump’s early investigative efforts into the origins of COVID-19, covering for his Chinese cronies, only to now put on a phony show of concern over digging deeper to find the truth of the matter. He couldn’t care less, so long as the Chinese yuans keep rolling his way.

A strong President would have any number of possibilities to choose from, but one cannot help wonder if the U.S. has been too weakened by the artificially created economic damage, that was caused by unnecessarily long COVID lockdowns, to consider any armed response, even if China Joe got serious about countering Chinese aggressions against the U.S.. The idea of some new and massive war with China, especially with nukes in the mix, isn’t particularly appealing to anybody. However, whatever the case, America should be moving today to separate its economy, U.S. businesses and trade from China, regardless of how painful that may be to some people’s bank accounts, because there really are some things more important than money, namely a clear conscience and peace of mind, liberty and American lives.

by Justin O Smith

Justin O. Smith is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative. Hailing from the Great State of Tennessee, Justin is a patriotic American whose work has been published by American Thinker and The Rutherford Reader. He can be found on Gab, MeWe, and Clouthub.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.

Justin O. Smith

Hailing from the Great State of Tennessee, Justin O. Smith is a patriotic American and regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative whose work has been published by American Thinker and The Rutherford Reader. He can be found on Gab, MeWe, and Clouthub.

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One Comment

  1. Dr. Fauci and others controlling our tax dollars funded Wuhan bat research. He claimed in TV interview gain of function research is more important than global pandemic possible from inevitable leaks from lab.
    This is madness , Fauci must go.

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