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Mainstream Media Criticizes Trump for Not Attending 9/11 Ceremony – And Fails

McClatchy Washington correspondent Dave Catanese took a shot at former President Trump for not honoring the 20th anniversary of 9/11, although Biden is looking around during what is obviously a moment of silence.

But, just like most mainstream media journalists, he was quickly outmatched by the former president who visited heroes on 9/11 “in his own city.” Oh, and David, Trump calls West Palm Beach home these days.


Biden, not to be shown up, decided to remove his mask during the 9/11 ceremony and yell at someone at the event.

The expressions on the people’s faces around him are priceless. Dr. Jill, Ph.D. looks mortified, Obama is expressing clear disapproval and Clinton is just pretending like it’s not really happening.

There are zero glowing photos of Biden with first responders, heroes, survivors, or much of anyone that matters. Maybe because many of those folks actually asked him not to come to these events. There was no chance Biden would have received the same reception as Trump, especially after giving the Taliban their own country – complete with military equipment and bases – just before the 20th anniversary of the tragedy they helped facilitate.

Maybe the media should focus more on the current president, who is an actual embarrassment, instead of the former one whom they tried hard, and failed, to make look like one.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. The Taliban would have been thrilled to have the Killer-in-Chief, OBiden Bin Hidin deliver a live speech on the social celebration of the AL Qaeda/Taliban victory.

  2. The mainstream media have proven to be America’s enemy; they’re just a propaganda arm of the self-centered Progressive Social Democrat Party. Neither the media nor any of those social marxists stand for American principles, ethics, or values. Why would they expect President Trump to attend the 9/11 ceremony after what they ALL did to him? President did the right thing by not giving them something that would detract from the solemn occasion of the ceremony. I didn’t even watch it because I can’t stand the sight of any of those evil bastards.

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