Syndicated NewsWhite House Watch

President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Saturday, October 23, 2021


President Joe Biden is hiding from the media and the American people this weekend while resting at his home in Delaware.

President Joe Biden’s Itinerary for 10/23/21

  • Nothin’

White House Briefing Schedule

  • Nope

Keep an Eye on the President at Our President’s Schedule Page.

We are providing former President Donald Trump’s schedule to compare and contrast the leadership and work style of the two presidents. The schedules are from the same “day” in the administration, not the same “date”.

Former President Donald Trump’s Schedule This Day in 2017


There are no public events on President Donald Trump‘s official schedule but he’s on the move and CDN will keep you updated on his activities.

The president left the White House Saturday morning in a white Polo shirt, dark pants and a white baseball cap which is his usual dress for a golf outing. The motorcade made a 38-minute drive to Trump National Golf Club where the president played a round of golf. There was no word from the White House on who he may have been playing with.

In the afternoon, the motorcade returned to the White House.

President Trump’s schedule for 10/21/17

  • 10:07 am Depart the White House – North Lawn
  • 10:45 am Arrive Trump National Golf Club – Sterling, Virginia
  • 2:39 pm Depart Trump National Golf Club – Sterling, Virginia
  • 3:19 pm Arrive at the White House – North Lawn

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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