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Rand Paul Wants to Know if Obama Regime Was Spying on Him, Others

In an announcement that is sure to whack the hornet’s nest, Senator Rand Paul has demanded to know whether the Obama administration spied on his presidential campaign.

Just when the Deep State, Obama officials and the media had finally managed to flush the explosive allegations that Susan Rice “unmasked” the names of Trump associates for political means down the memory hole this could raise a whole new series of questions that could lead America down a rabbit hole that goes all the way to the mantle of the planet.

With the ongoing efforts to manufacture “proof” that President Trump and his associates were colluding with Vladimir Putin to cheat Queen Hillary out of the election the question of whether anti-terrorism surveillance programs were abused to spy on political opponents. The building of the case against Trump – his impeachment is the endgame – smacks of a parallel construction that has historically been used to manufacture cases against drug dealers and other criminals and is the type of thing that would normally be commonplace in police states.

Not only that, but the question also needs to be begged as to whether these programs were also used to compile blackmail material on politicians, clergy, journalists, judges and others – all of whom are brought up by Paul in his morning tweet.

Senator Paul shook the political world this morning with his request that could serve to open a larger can of worms as to whether Obama’s lackeys within the national security apparatus were surveilling other Republican candidates as well.

Paul’s request comes on the heels of a Circa article that reported that Obama had requested htat the NSA produce information on thousands of Americans in the runup to the election. A very disturbing prospect but one that would be in line with Barry’s abuse of other federal alphabet soup agencies to target political foes, like sending the I.R.S. after conservative Tea Party affiliated groups.

Senator Paul could be onto something really big here.

According to The Washington Examiner “Rand Paul wants to know if the Obama administration ever spied on him”:

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Friday he has formally requested information on whether he was ever under surveillance by the Obama administration or the intelligence community.

In a Friday morning tweet, the former Republican presidential candidate said: “I have formally requested from the WH and the Intel Committees info on whether I was surveilled by Obama admin and or the Intel community!”

The former Republican presidential candidate also asked in a tweet: “Did the Obama admin go after presidential candidates, members of Congress, journalists, clergy, lawyers, fed judges?”

President Trump has accused former President Barack Obama of surveilling him during an election, a claim the former president has disputed. It’s been revealed that intelligence officials did pick up conversations of some people involved in the Trump’s campaign, though President Trump has accused former President Barack Obama of surveilling him during an election, a claim the former president has disputed. It’s been revealed that intelligence officials did pick up conversations of some people involved in the Trump’s campaign, though by legal incidental collection.

Paul also tweeted: “Did the Obama admin use warrantless “wiretapping” on other candidates besides @realDonaldTrump?”

The very idea that an incumbent president would be involved in the surveillance of the opposition party during an election year would be a dead giveaway that sometime under Obama that the country flipped fascist.

While there is a long history of the abuse of surveillance programs – another story for another time – the sheer ferocity with which the Obama-Clinton connected Deep State continues to go after Trump is an indication that we have already crossed the Rubicon.

Just who else was Obama spying on and why?

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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  1. Re: Ron Paul……dare I say “What difference does it make?” and answer my own question with NONE. He is one acorn that didn’t fall far from the family tree….& will mimic his daddy in 2020. Has anyone noticed that when discussing the health care that he nays other ideas and repeatedly talks about ‘his’ bill (that none of his 49 fellow senators back)

    Although, Donn, I agree that the surveillance program appears to have stretched its boundaries much too far out. “Leaking” of personal information is a danger to the entire Nation. …and there are plenty of leaky lips seeking prestige as an insdier and/or destroying more American Values

    While it is important that the ‘source’ be ferreted out…this extended investigation is providing fodder for the anti-Trump groups.

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