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Walensky: Definition of “Fully Vaccinated” Subject to Change

Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suggested that the definition of “fully vaccinated” for COVID-19 may need to be “updated” as booster shots become available to the general public, Townhall reports.

“Right now, we don’t have booster eligibility for all people, currently. So, we are going to — we have not yet changed the definition of fully vaccinated; we will continue to look at this — we may need to update our definition of fully vaccinated in the future,” Walensky stated Friday. Earlier this week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Emergency Use Authorization for the administration of both Moderna and Janssen boosters to the elderly and immunocompromised.

President Joe Biden’s CDC is notorious for moving the goalposts on COVID policy whenever it seems as though the pandemic has waned to the point where it no longer justifies sweeping Democratic power grabs.

As I’ve already noted here, this is because Biden’s agenda is contingent on pandemic politics — in fact, his having successfully played pandemic politics is the primary thing that got him elected in the first place. The sole reason Biden has been so successful in hawking multi-trillion-dollar domestic spending packages and top-down control of the economy is because he employed the Rooseveltian tactic of lying about these things by advertising them as vital to our national recovery.

Without the backdrop of COVID, he has no mandate to enact his or his party’s agenda — and his administration knows this. In turn, they’ll try to perpetuate that mandate by continuing to milk the pandemic dry — which is exactly what they’re doing.

Content syndicated from TheLibertyLoft.com with permission.

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  1. Who cares if the Marxists change the definition of “fully vaccinated”? I’m not taking an obviously dangerous vax that I obviously I don’t need. I don’t care about the definition of “fully vaccinated” because I’m going to remain fully unvaccinated. Let’s go Brandon!

  2. While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! https://health.p0l.org/

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