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Biden regime continues war on Texas, sues over voting law

The Biden regime is at it again, this time suing Texas over the state’s election law. That now places the two most recent big-ticket conservative laws in the state in the hands of the courts.

Over the past year, cowardly Democrats in the state legislature attempted to keep the state from passing the election law, which is designed to protect the integrity of elections and assure that the election is fair and honest. The Democrats apparently had an issue with fair and honest elections and sought refuge in the nation’s capital.

Eventually, arrest warrants were signed to force them to show up for work and the law was passed. Now, they will rely on the radical left-wing Biden DOJ to save them.

The lawsuit does not go after the entire bill. According to the AP, it goes after the mail-in voting restrictions and voter assistance guidelines. It seems that Democrats may be worried about their truckloads of ballots for Beto O’Rourke in the next election for governor.

Texas AG Ken Paxton has vowed to fight the lawsuit. He released the following statement on Twitter.

The problem that the DOJ has with the mail-in ballots is that the new law requires pieces of identification to prove who is voting. The DOJ argues that this could lead to ballots being rejected. In non-liberal language that means not allowing illegal votes to count.

Content syndicated from with permission.

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