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Joe Biden Greenlights Putin’s Invasion Of Ukraine

The Blue State Conservative

“When bad men combine, the good must associate, else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”  ~ Edmund Burke, ‘Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents’ (1770)

Joe Biden revealed his affinity for a Neville Chamberlain-style appeasement on January 19th 2022 in his address to America, failing to understand that Machiavellian and tyrannical-minded people exist today only to expand their power and control over land and resources, which has become increasingly easy for them through the use of technology, globalization and the manipulation or utter disregard of international treaties. And as Biden spoke of any possible “minor incursion” into Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin, dripping with numerous idiocies, one very nearly expected to hear him say “freedom in our time … unless some tyrant wants to make a minor incursion into your country.”

Jen Epstein of Bloomberg News asked two of the best questions of the question-and-answer press follow up, asking:

“If the U.S. and NATO aren’t willing to put troops on the line to defend Ukraine and American allies can’t agree on a sanctions package, hasn’t the U.S. and the West lost nearly all of its leverage over Vladimir Putin?

And given how ineffective sanctions have been in deterring Putin in the past, why would the threat of new sanctions give him pause?”

Turning on the green light and handing Putin an open invitation to invade Ukraine, Biden noted the action he would take after the fact of a Russian invasion, as he responded to Ms Epstein:

“Well, because he’s never seen sanctions like the ones I promised will be imposed if he moves, number one.

Number two, we’re in a situation where Vladimir Putin is about to — we’ve had very frank discussions, Vladimir Putin and I [very muddled and confused discussions if anyone asks me]. And the idea that NATO is not going to be united, I don’t buy. I’ve spoken to every major NATO leader. We’ve had the NATO-Russia summit. We’ve had other — the OSCE has met, et cetera.”

Has America ever seen a leader more stupid and dangerous than Joe Biden?

All the meetings in the world aren’t worth bull manure if no one actually stands prepared to really act in any meaningful manner, when the time comes that demands real and decisive, hard action. And as the world witnessed in 2014, America and Her Allies — NATO — under the “leadership” of Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden stood by and did absolutely nothing when Putin invaded, occupied and took Crimea on March 18th 2014, then a part of Ukraine.

There are currently approximately 130,000 Russian soldiers, 175,000 by some accounts,  and at least 60 Russian Battalion Tactical Groups all along the border with Ukraine, according to Ukrainian intelligence. In conjunction with this, the West has been unnerved to some degree by the arrival of several more BTGs and thousands more Russian soldiers in Belarus for “war games”, since Kyiv would quite likely fall rather rapidly to any attack from the north and Putin’s forces already have the Ukrainians so outmatched.

Noted by the Associated Press on January 18th:

“Amid the tensions, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday it was speeding up efforts to form reserve battalions that would allow for the rapid deployment of 130,000 recruits to expand the country’s 246,000-strong military.” 

All of this stems from Putin’s anger at the United States and NATO for even remotely considering Ukraine as a member and sending armaments and financial support to enable Ukraine to better defend itself. In early 2007, Putin raged at the West during the Munich Security Conference and accused America and NATO of placing “frontline forces on our borders”, going on and even threatening nuclear war over Ukraine in 2008, 2014 and December of 2021.  And while there is some truth to this, Ukraine and all other free nations have the absolute right to form alliances for defensive purposes as they see fit, with whomever they see fit, just as individuals do.

Putin wants Russia’s own security demands met, even though it is Russia that is acting in a threatening manner towards Ukraine, and Ukraine would be hard-pressed to defend itself in the face of a full on assault and invasion. He wants assurances that Ukraine will never be granted membership in NATO and American advisors will withdraw from Ukraine and America will stop sending arms.

America should not meet Putin’s demands, mainly because NATO and the security of the West and America isn’t something that should be held hostage by a tyrant and a man working contrary to the principles of freedom and liberty. Why in the world would anyone actually give serious consideration to Putin’s demands?

Basically, although Putin wants Ukraine back under Russia’s blanket, he also badly wants to reveal just how weak NATO has become and just how paralyzed Joe Biden and America really are, when it comes to acting in defense of freedom and their allies across the globe. The lid of this Pandora’s Box was opened in glaring terms with Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Given Biden’s weak policy with the Taliban and the abandonment of U.S. allies in Afghanistan, not one of our allies can or should trust the Biden regime. He’s made it clear that he will abandon a U.S. ally in a heartbeat.

What an ironic contrast to Biden it is for one to hear that during the January 13th 2022 meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, including the Russians, U.S. Ambassador Michael Carpenter stated:

“As we prepare for an open dialogue on how to strengthen security for the benefit of all, we must decisively reject blackmail and never allow aggression and threats to be rewarded.” 

Normally, just as America’s Founders admonished, it really is best to stay out of other countries’ business and all foreign intrigues and misadventures for reasons we can find all across history, but in today’s modern world, any firm isolationist stance is certain to backfire on any nation taking it. The intertwined nature of the worlds commerce and economies make it virtually impossible anyway, as does the new world we live in that relies so heavily on the internet and computer technology.

Biden’s assertion that his regime would levy harsh and heavy sanctions against Putin and Russia if Putin invades Ukraine was essentially a promise to close the barn door after the horse has escaped. He has done nothing of a positive nature with such a statement, but his words have most assuredly emboldened Putin and further ensured that Ukraine will be invaded by Russia.

The world would do well to recall that Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler didn’t make him stop with Czechoslovakia, Austria or Poland.

Biden has simply signaled to the world and all of America’s allies that the era of bold, assertive and principle leadership in the face of tyranny and evil has died under his feckless, spineless, cowardly “leadership”.

If Putin is allowed to take Ukraine, look for him to absorb all of the former Soviet Union satellite states once again, since he has often remarked that the largest catastrophe of the 20th century was the dissolution and collapse of the Soviet Union. Taking Ukraine allows Putin to rebuild the empire that once existed, since Ukraine was the USSR’s breadbasket, full of resources; without Ukraine, Putin can still be managed to some degree.

When will enough be enough for the West? When China, Russia and Iran have a lock on most of the nations of the world and two or three generations of indoctrination have built one massive mindless military might loyal to their tyrannical rulers? By then, America could well be standing alone, given the uncertain allies it has in NATO and across Europe.

It’s also good to recall the postwar words of Martin Niemoller, who opposed the Nazis in Germany:

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Although Niemoller was speaking of the dynamic of German society that so easily gave way to Adolph Hitler, doesn’t the same dynamic apply to the fall of nations to totalitarian aggressors? Given a free rein, a tyrant will do as much damage as the world will allow, and to be so meek in the face of Putin’s naked aggression is to set the stage for an America that will eventually be left standing all alone, wondering what in the hell happened, especially when one considers the joint military maneuvers China and Russia have held each year since 2006 and their alliance with Iran, whose leaders call America “the Great Satan”.

However one views the current crisis over Ukraine, history reveals that Ukraine has always fought to remain free of Russia from its earliest days to the present, and even tho’ the Treaty of Eternal Peace, signed in 1686 placed Ukraine under Russian rule, it was a “treaty” whose terms were forced by the victor Russia. Please note, that upon the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 [totally dissolving. by 1991], a nuclear-armed Ukraine and its people immediately asserted themselves and took back their freedom and liberty and their nation, on January 21st 1990.

Upon Ukraine’s declaration of independence, the America and the world pressed Ukraine to relinquish its nuclear arms — some 1900 nuclear warheads —  in exchange for the world’s guarantee that it’s sovereign territory and national integrity would always be safeguarded by the world. Even Russia signed on to the agreement that came through the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, an agreement that committed America, Russia and the United Kingdom to “respect the independence and sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine” and to refrain from the threat of use of force” against Ukraine.

However, if history shows us anything, it is that no agreement stands for long, when one is dealing with corrupt, dishonorable and evil people whose word means nothing at all and often is tossed about as their primary Machiavellian plans are being set in motion.

At the moment, Putin appears to be under no compunction or have any inclination to uphold the Budapest Agreement or the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and he is doing just as he pleases, even to go so far as to wage cyber war against America.

To this day, Biden and his regime have not effectively countered or retaliated for Russia’s cyber warfare aimed at the U.S. and others, and now Russia has thousands of soldiers mere miles from the Ukrainian border. Biden is failing on every front, and although he assured Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, in September 2021, that the United States would stand between Ukraine and any Russian aggression, it is now more than apparent those were simply empty words spewed by an incompetent, ignorant talking-head empty of any original thought.

So much for treaties. They’re only as good as the people upholding them.

Some of the academics one finds across the board suggest the best real-world outcome for Ukraine that the world may hope to see is Ukraine following Finland’s example, refusing to take a pro-NATO, anti-Russia stance, in order to maintain a large level of its independence and freedom for its people.

I reject this outright. Ukraine should be able to determine its own course, with or without America and NATO, but most certainly without any coercion or threats of armed invasions from Vladimir Putin and Russia’s might.

Nobody wants to see a full-blown hot war flare up between America and Russia, or China for that matter, but at just what point must the so-called “Free World” — if such still exists — America and Her allies tell the tyrants “this is our line in the sand and it will not be crossed short of war”? Yes. The fact that all involved are nuclear armed is something that’s not to be taken lightly, but neither can the invasion of any nation seeking to only live free be taken lightly.

If the world stands by and lets Putin take Ukraine, just as he did with Crimea in 2014, can anyone doubt that he will keep pushing and advancing and taking more territory, such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus [a willing partner] and all the other countries of the former USSR?

For that matter, what happens when China takes Taiwan? Xi already has taken the measure of Biden. What happens when China decides to take all of Southeast Asia?

Putin and Xi have both considered, calculated and believe that they can emerge victorious over the U.S., even in an all out nuclear war. If one side or the other gets too nervous over any given situation, a person can’t help but wonder whether our enemies might decide on a first strike; they’ve considered it and it’s well known to our Pentagon.

Most Americans can continue living, as they have for years, in good fashion, whether Ukraine is free or not — whether Taiwan is free or not.

And although a worse case scenario for the world may not manifest for a decade or two, maybe even three, America must look at the Big Picture too and find a fine line between isolationism and interventionism.

What is the cut-off? When a tenth of the world is under the control of one tyrannical government? a fourth? half? three quarters? Or are we to let the tyrants have a free rein to run rough-shod across all the freedom-loving people of the world until America is left standing all alone, all by Herself?

Trying to avert war shouldn’t lead to kissing a tyrant’s ass or allowing one’s country to be blackmailed into silence and inaction to the point of essentially being a vassal to that tyrant and his state, paying tribute ’til one bleeds again and again.

One must understand the Ukraine is but one small part in the greater war between Good and Evil and the desire of the globalists and communists and their Islamist allies to either draw America and as much as the globe under their control or destroy Her. And for me, fighting to the death or victory is preferable to life as a serf.

Handling America’s enemies in a manner that serves Her best interests and actually defends Her national sovereignty won’t happen, until a strong freedom-minded individual takes the helm of the country and guides us to live and let live and not be put upon to our harm and detriment, by nation’s leaders who envy us and seek to conquer or destroy America. Biden is sorely at a loss in this regard and we should all pray that America survives unscathed during these last three years of his continued incompetence and his continued betrayal of America to Her enemies.

Perhaps U.S. leaders should stop bending over backwards to avoid any conflict and they should take a more belligerent attitude towards Russia, even rapping the Bear’s knuckles a time or two, as they take a lesson from Akeksandr Lukashevich, Russia’s permanent representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). During the recent meeting of the OSCE in Vienna on January 13th 2022, Lukashevich stated:

“Russia is a peace-loving country. But we do not need peace at any cost. The need to obtain these legally formalized security guarantees for us is unconditional.”

The Free World must stop deluding itself and unite, and in the end, it must either act and stop tyrants as they rise or face the same fate as the conquered, when they are alone and the enemy comes for them. Pray it hasn’t become too feeble to do the right thing in the face of evil on the march.

Featured photo courtesy of WikImages at Pixabay.

Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.

Justin O. Smith

Hailing from the Great State of Tennessee, Justin O. Smith is a patriotic American and regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative whose work has been published by American Thinker and The Rutherford Reader. He can be found on Gab, MeWe, and Clouthub.

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