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How to Make a Study Table at Home?

In this era of the hyper-competitive atmosphere, your kid needs to study with the highest focus and dedication. It has been proven through scientific research that the study table helps in improving focus and learning. The increase in productivity saves time which your kid could use in other creative and recreational work. Your kid needs the personal touch, and s/he will love the study table made by you. It is pretty easy to make a study table using existing materials.

Frankly, you can buy study tables online at a very cheap rate but that won’t have that personal touch. Similarly, you can make the folding dining table for your lovely kids.

The study table should be comfortable, flat, and functional. All you need to worry about is fixing and finishing. If you have all the basic instruments and accessories, you can build a study table at half of the price of any branded study table. Here are some do it yourself (DIY) steps to build a simple study table.

Materials Required to Make Study Table

First of all, get 4 pieces of wood:

  • 2 boards 2×2, 5’ long
  • 3 boards 2×3, 5’ long
  • Clamp
  • Level
  • Screws
  • wood glue
  • Measuring tape
  • Drill
  • Table saw and a miter saw
  • Pencil

DIY to Build Study Table

Get all the materials and tools within your reach and follow these simple steps to build a study table:

Step 1: Cut the tabletop

  • First of all, decide the size of the study table. Ideally, the study table should be 3 feet long. Select boards according to the requirement of size. Now, take your measuring tape and mark 3 feet from each side. Use a miter saw to cut the board into size.

Step 2: Flatten Boards

  • You have to flatten the rounded edges for the easy fit of boards. You can use the miter saw or table saw to flatten the edge.

Step 3: Glue All Boards

  • Now use glue to fuse flat edges. You might need four clamps, two on top and two on the bottom. Try to make one side perfectly flat for better finishing. Wood glues are very strong, so wipe it if you notice any excess anywhere.

Step 4: Get Legs

  • Now, you have to bring all four evenly cut legs in the right place. The best way to do that is to place two pieces on the bottom of the tabletop just little in from the edge, and equally apart from both from the front and back edge. For better strength, it is better to screw the pieces to the tabletop using the drill. Be careful about leg length and table balance.

Step 5: Balancing

  • If you feel wobbling, then you can add a cross beam for better stability. Just lay it across and screw it using a drill.

A nice looking study table is ready for your kid. You can make it pretty by using paint or any other creative stickers that suit the taste of your kid. Making a foldable dining table is also pretty simple like the study table. Just start with the study table, you will be tempted to try making a foldable dining table.

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