Customs, Border and Immigration NewsIn The NewsSyndicated Posts

Border Crisis: Calexico Agents Seize 106 Pounds of Meth During Vehicle Stop

CALEXICO, Calif. – El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a United States citizen, accused of smuggling narcotics, Friday night.

At approximately 10:53 p.m., Calexico Station Communications received a citizen’s report regarding a vehicle suspected of possessing narcotics located in a restaurant parking lot.  Agents were notified of the call, responded, and made visual contact of the vehicle. From a safe distance, agents observed an individual approach the vehicle, enter, and depart.

Agents followed the vehicle and initiated a vehicle stop on a Chevy Silverado, near Cole Boulevard. After stopping the vehicle, the driver attempted to flee the area on foot. Agents apprehended the driver and placed him under arrest.

During a search of the vehicle’s interior, agents noticed modifications to the rear back seats and discovered nine packages of a crystal-like substance wrapped in clear packaging. The contents of the packages tested positive for 106.5 pounds of methamphetamine with an estimated street value of $3,407,465.

The driver, a 34-year-old male, was transported to the Calexico Border Patrol station for further processing.

The narcotics were turned over to the Drug Enforcement Agency.

The vehicle will be seized as per El Centro Sector guidelines.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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