In The NewsMoney & The Economy
Full Event: Donald Trump, Mike Pence Carrier Plant Announcement 12/1/16
After having successfully negotiated to save at least 1,000 jobs at the Carrier air conditioning plant in Indiana, President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence visit the plant to meet the people who will no longer face unemployment and make comments about the negotiations.
Thursday, December 1, 2016: Live streaming coverage of President-Elect Trump and VP-Elect Pence’s announcement at the Carrier plant in Indianapolis. Coverage begins at 2:00 PM.
Immediately Josh Earnest declares that “When Trump does this 804 more times he will approach Whosanes’? accomplishments regarding job creation.”
What a crock; When Whosane? took office there were 80 million people not participating in the job
market. A mere 8 years later we have 94,000,000 people NOT participating in the job market.
The morons in charge being incapable of telling the truth can’t figure out how to manipulate
Bureau of Labor Statistics data to substantiate their fraudulent claims.
Your sources Mr. Peabody?
My source as stated in my original post is ‘Bureau of Labor Statistics’. Did ya see it that
He had the power to stop many of the jobs that left this country through the Fed procurement power. But, no, it was the middle class blue collar workers who were unimportant for the past 8 years. No black tie parties in Europe to celebrate a blue collar job saved but plenty of backslapping for a tree saved.
Without researching more than 10 seconds I find that Politifact is anything but objective. Findings are
clear that they abuse facts. Much like most of todays liberal progressives, and virtually 100% of the
so-called mainstream media. Gather up your drawers and do some real research. The federal gov’t.
has a plethora of organizations tasked with collecting data that is available for individual perusal.
I formulated a policy long ago that I would not divulge information which I gathered through due
diligence. One should do their own research and resist the liberal urges to usurp data researched
by someone willing to perform the work.