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Texas Senators blast pro-socialist teaching curriculum

An electronic system used by more than 70 percent of school districts in Texas has recently come under attack by the state’s Senate Education Committee for promoting socialism and criticizing American values.

The curriculum management system known as CSCOPE is used by teachers in 875 districts to manage their lesson plans while allowing them to customize material for their own specific classrooms.

Some of the ideology promoted in the material, though, is wholly inappropriate and openly endorses anti-American sentiment.

According to reports, numerous witnesses spoke before the Senate committee to explain why Texas students must not be indoctrinated with the leftist lesson plans. One witness described the program as “mind control” while a teacher emotionally testified he quit his job because using the system made him feel like he was “aiding and abetting a crime.”

Other criticism of the program included lack of transparency, as the program’s particulars are not readily available to anyone other than teachers and school administrators. Questionable lesson plans covered various subjects and issues, though one of the most reprehensible forced sixth-graders to design their own socialist flag.

The CSCOPE curriculum encourages students to “notice that socialist and communist countries use symbolism on their flags” while prompting them to come up with their own symbols to use on the flag for a new socialist country. In addition to allegations the curriculum is overly supportive of Islam, the lesson plans also reportedly refer to those involved in the Boston Tea Party as terrorists.

This type of blatant leftist indoctrination deserves no place in any American school and, as a Texan, I am incredibly offended such nonsense has made its way into our great educational system. Such blatant disregard for traditional values combined with the secrecy with which the material is treated just further exposes the left’s ongoing mission.

Those unhappy with America as founded seek to change this nation’s future by systematically brainwashing the next generation in the government-mandated education camps known as the public school system.
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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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  1. This is a bunch of nonsense. Look at Cscope’s curriculum examples online. You’ll find nothing to corroborate these allegations.

  2. The majority of teachers in Midland & Ector Counties, Texas are balking to ‘sign on’ to “CScope”. To find our ‘what’ it includes beyond generalities on a home page type of introduction and they must use a password given (only) to those that (do) sign sight unseen. The Union head for the area is pushing hard for it & bad mouths on TV the teachers asking questions or hesitate. Their signature indicates that they will follow all the program, to include designing a flag for a socialist country.

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