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EU joins the fight against radical Islam

The radical Islamic terror attacks on Paris and the huge influx of Syrian refugees have many members of the European Union joining the bombing campaign against the Islamic State and another nation assisting Israel in its defense against Iran.

France was pulled into the air war on ISIS in September after a series of attacks including the brutal attack on the Parisian satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were killed.

Paris was attacked again by ISIS in late November as a cell of radical Islamists murdered people at restaurants and the Batacian theatre. 130 people in all were killed. This most-recent attack on France encouraged other EU nations to join the anti-terror campaign.

Yesterday, the British Parliament voted to start a bombing campaign in Syria against ISIS. Just a few hours after the vote, the first RAF Tornado jets dropped their bombs on Islamic Radicals.

“RAF Tornadoes have just returned from their first offensive operation over Syria and have conducted strikes,” a spokesman for Britain’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) said early Thursday.

Now, Germany has voted to enter the war on radical Islamic terror.

Germany’s lower house of parliament on Friday approved government plans to join the military campaign against Islamic State in Syria.

Of the 598 lawmakers who took part in the vote, 445 voted for, 146 against and seven abstained.

Some EU nations are helping in other ways. Greece assisted Israel in training against Russian air defense systems like those deployed by Iran and Syria.

Israel has quietly tested ways of defeating an advanced air-defence system that Russia has deployed in the Middle East and that could limit Israel’s ability to strike in Syria or Iran, military and diplomatic sources said.

The sources said a Russian S-300 anti-aircraft system, sold to Cyprus 18 years ago but now located on the Greek island of Crete, had been activated during joint drills between the Greek and Israeli air forces in April-May this year.

Spain has its own troubles with radical Islam much closer to home. ISIS has pledged to “Take Spain Back.”

The campaign involves posters that include images of famous Spanish landmarks and monuments emblazoned with Arabic slogans such as, “We are all the Islamic State” and “Long Live the Islamic State.”

“I say to the entire world as a warning: We are living under the Islamic flag, the Islamic caliphate. We will die for it until we liberate those occupied lands, from Jakarta to Andalusia. And I declare: Spain is the land of our forefathers and we are going to take it back with the power of Allah.”

Radical Muslims in Catalonia are looking to tear the country in two:

A successful push for independence in the Spanish autonomous region of Catalonia would lead to the establishment of a country with the third-largest percentage of Muslims in Western Europe, just behind France and Belgium, and far ahead of Britain and Germany.

An independent Catalonia, with its capital in Barcelona, would also be home to the largest concentration of radical Islamists in Europe; it would emerge as ground-zero for Salafi-Jihadismon the continent and become one of the top incubators for Islamist terrorism in the West.

Much in the way 1930’s Europe attempted to appease Hitler by allowing him to militarize and begin taking what he wanted, 21st century Europe had been doing much the same with radical Islam and with similar results.

Now it would appear that enough is enough and the EU isn’t taking it anymore.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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