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FBI Official Is Under Investigation For Altering Russia Probe Documents: Report

The Justice Department is investigating an FBI official for allegedly altering a document as part of the Trump-Russia probe, according to an explosive report.

CNN reports that the altered document was recovered as part of the Justice Department inspector general’s investigation into the FBI’s surveillance activities against Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser.

Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, has turned the evidence over to John Durham, the U.S. attorney who was tapped earlier this year to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation. Horowitz told Congress on Thursday that he plans to release a report of his investigation on Dec. 9.

CNN did not identify the FBI official, or describe the document that was allegedly altered.

But the revelation is likely to fuel Republicans’ outrage at how the FBI conducted the Russia investigation. They have long faulted the bureau for relying heavily on the unverified Steele dossier to obtain surveillance warrants against Page.

In the dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele accused Page and other Trump associates of taking part in a conspiracy with the Kremlin to influence the 2016 election. The special counsel’s report severely undermined the allegation by saying that there was no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy.

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The CNN report could shed light on news reports last month that Durham’s probe into Russiagate’s origins has recently shifted to a criminal investigation. Attorney General William Barr tapped Durham in May to lead an administrative inquiry. Little is known about what Durham has been investigating. But the report that the inquiry had become a criminal matter led to widespread speculation that it involved information uncovered during Horowitz’s investigation.

Horowitz told lawmakers in June that his team has interviewed more than 100 witnesses and reviewed more than 1 million pages in documents in the investigation. On Oct. 24, he told lawmakers that the report is “lengthy,” and that most of the document will be available for public view.

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One Comment

  1. Well, consider me shocked. NOT.

    Maybe one of these days the supposedly professional, non-partisan criminal investigators in the FBI will focus on the criminal enterprise called The Clinton Foundation Global Initiative. Or maybe take a look at Obama and Holder’s “Fast and Furious” operation that supplied Mexican cartels with firearms, resulting in the slaughter of scores of innocent people in Mexico and at least one American citizen.

    Nah. Never happen.

    One of the first things Obama did upon assuming office was to fully politicize and weaponize the federal bureaucracies. It was done such that direct orders were unnecessary. Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey, Lerner, Holder, etc., never had to be told what to do. They knew already. The seeds for the coup against Trump were planted in the early days of the first Obama administration. Of course, they didn’t know back then who the nominee in ’16 would be. But they did know there would be a nominee, and whoever emerged as the Republican nominee was going to get the treatment that Trump ultimately got.

    Leftists love to hate. Hate allows them the luxury of releasing their inner Nazi, their inner Bolshevik. “Everybody goes a little mad sometimes,” says Norman Bates in the classic Hitchcock thriller, “Psycho.” Give leftists something to hate and they will leap at the opportunity to unleash their psychoses at it, like an all-consuming flamethrower. It doesn’t really matter the object. Sometimes it’s members of the monarchy, sometimes it’s Jews, sometimes it’s anti-communists, sometimes it’s competing communists. Doesn’t really matter, as long as the target is clearly identified. Remember Lois Lerner? It was her job to identify targets of leftist hate, and she was very good at it.

    If citizen Trump had not run for POTUS, whoever won (assuming he/she was a Republican) was going to get the same treatment. This is what “fundamental transformation” looks like. The Obama moles knew what to do, and carried out their orders. The only thing they didn’t anticipate was Trump.

    Because Trump fights back and never relents. If it had been anyone else, the moles would have devoured him by now. Trump not only survives, he thrives on combat. I think it’s stimulative, even pleasant, for Trump to constantly fight like he does. For him, it is a challenge worthy of his time and attention. Because he’s not doing it for himself. He already has everything a man could possibly want in life, and has had it, for years. Now he’s doing it for the great unwashed “deplorables” across America, those “bitter clingers” that leftists like Obama love to hate. Ordinary God-fearing law-abiding traditional reality Americans.

    Trump is our Churchill. The right man at the right time.

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