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Biden Admin Isn’t All That Concerned with Leftist Violence in Seattle/Portland

If you live in the Pacific Northwest and voted for Joe Biden for president, you are probably experiencing buyer’s remorse. His administration isn’t really all that worried about the unrest, violence, and domestic terrorism (to use their term) occurring in your area.

During a recent press briefing, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked what the administration is doing about the riots, vandalism, unrest, and domestic terror going on in Washington state and Oregon. Her response was that they were monitoring the situation. Really? Like chilling out with popcorn and checking out reality TV?

So if you live in Washington or Portland, have heart and stay brave – the Biden administration is watching your city crumble while thugs burn your property to the ground.

One thing is for sure: when Biden said he would lead the “most transparent administration”, on this point, he seems to be correct. The most effective… eh, not so much.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. I know this is off topic, sort of, but Biden’s main concern is that babies continue to be murdered. It’s the healthy way of “living”, they say, “Keep everyone healthy, kill your babies.” Sick, sick, sick, sick. Everyone of those swamp creatures now in the WH just want to kill your babies so they can feel good about protecting your rights to do so. Murder is not a right. Mr. KillerBee is wrong.

  2. It’s not off-topic. The imposter president doesn’t care at all about the violence and destruction of the NW cities. He likes those domestic terrorists. His unity rhetoric is working just fine: the terrorists disrupting life both outside AND inside the womb.

  3. Besices politicians side step a lot. Its something like used car salesman do concerning a warrantee. Actually the Governor of each state is responsible for controlling riots in their own state, not the foolishly feebler federal government leadership.

  4. Welcome not to socialism but communism..while Beijing Biden sets back women’s rights 100 years and putting mothers, wives and daughters lives at risk with gender neutralized as men and woman are the same ignoring physical appearance and testosterone and hormonal strengths.. stepping this country in a backwards motion that weakens us to the point of a third world existence as well as removal of our constitutional rights where we are no longer living free…a press that spews the propaganda of the left and permits violence and destruction by their personally backed antifa and blm…no one is safe, not even those that follow the democrats blindly now, until they themselves are targeted as the conservatives have been…they lie calling for unity, when in fact their own words call for revenge.

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