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Barrage Of Liberal Judges Will Be Schumer’s Swan Song

Our government cannot do anything quickly or efficiently, thus the reason Musk and Ramaswamy will be taking a scalpel to D.C. unless the Left is under the gun of losing their majority. All of a sudden, Chuck Schumer has taken a dose of Political Viagra, and he is working with Trumpian stamina, approving as many liberal judges as possible before the Senate recesses. He did not hide his efforts, as he went to the well of the Senate to announce how many judges the Senate had approved in the last week. Forget vetting; bring them in like a cattle auction and order a vote. For the record, Schumer has closed on 12 Federal Judges in a week. Rats run the fastest when they are chased out the door.

There are other fronts that the Democrats are working feverishly on:

  1. They are looking to secure billions in additional aid for Ukraine. Citing the escalation in the battle after Biden supplied long-range missiles and gave his permission to Ukraine to launch them into Russia, the Democrats say that Ukraine now needs more money. When did Biden become the military coach for the world, or was Afghanistan his audition? Maybe this is Biden’s last chance for a massive kickback from Ukraine? It was just a matter of time, but Putin today threatened to use nuclear weapons in response to Biden’s move. Could nobody in Biden’s Pentagon see this coming?
  2. The Left is looking to fast-track legal permanent residence for the thousands of Afghans who were air-lifted to America while Americans were left behind to fend for themselves. None of these Afghan immigrants have been vetted, but Tren De Aragua members from Venezuela are proof the Democrats do not care at all about the safety of Americans.
  3. The ACLU is suing the Trump Administration over plans for the mass deportation of criminals that Biden allowed to cross our border or flew in on one of his night-time flights. The ACLU is supposed to protect American Civil Liberties. Still, obviously, its National Legal Director, Cecellia Wang, is more concerned with the rights of illegal migrants than the safety of America.
  4. The Democrats are looking for any way to establish roadblocks to the incoming Administration. Currently, they are using the media to get their lies and propaganda out about most of Trump’s nominees, but this will turn ugly as the Republicans take the majority on January 20 when the Democrats move towards personal attacks during confirmation hearings. The Republicans will hold the numbers, but the Left will hold the media to spread their poisonous rhetoric.

It is a travesty that so much energy and resources are expended to block the other team’s initiative rather than working to find a middle-ground solution to our nation’s problems. We have lost our sense of nation and are now two sides drifting further apart. We have Blue cities and states that have declared war on a President-elect who is two months away from taking office. We are importing gang members from south of our border and have a Party that is devoted to protecting their rights at the expense of our citizens. These angry, radical politicians are not reading the temperature of the people. The electorate spoke on November 5 and sent a clear message to all levels of government that we want America back and to concentrate on our future. As long as these radicals fail to recognize the message, they will have short careers and become footnotes in the history books.

Content syndicated from Conservative View from New Hampshire with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media.Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

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One Comment

  1. How can that moron do that? We ought to send Shumer along with the migrants when they are deported. And we ought to make Judges and Attorney Generals accountable and able to sue them when they make bad decisions whereby someone is raped, murdered and injured. The tool that killed Laken Riley gets to share oxygen with the rest of society is not fair. Even in prison.They ought to put the Judge in with the offender and have as his bunk mate! It’s like spitting in the face of her parents. Maybe we should go back to street justice instead of what we have today! Public hangings, people put in stocks where people can throw rotten eggs and tomatoes at them with public embarrassment and humiliation. This is just the calm before the storm coming. Democrats are generally not quiet. When it is this quiet after the election, it means the deep state is planning something! This country is divided more than ever. When someone can try to assassinate a former President and running for President and get no cooperation from the FBI and other agencies, it wreaks with corruption. Things will come out about Biden after he is out of office that will make Richard Nixon look like a choirboy. I have lived almost 70 years and never have seen this country as it is. If Trump gets to do the job he is committed to do, America will be great again. But apparently Biden is trying to muddy the waters or start a World War before he leaves office. That’s what that buffoon thinks of the American people. I am very concerned for my loved ones that I will leave behind when I am gone!

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