President Trump Tweets Support of Karen Handel, Bashes Ossoff

Today is game day for Democrats as they are chafing at the bit over establishing the meme that the country has turned against President Donald Trump.

The playing field is Georgia’s 6th congressional district which stretches across the Atlanta area, covering portions of three counties – Fulton, Cobb and Dekalb.

The designated Trump-slayer is a nebbish of a test tube candidate named Jon Ossoff who doesn’t live in the district and unbelievably can’t even vote for himself.

The stakes are high and Dems and out of state liberals have pumped millions of dollars into what would normally an obscure special election but has now become the most expensive congressional contest in history.

Today’s vote is the result of a runoff in which all the stars were aligned in favor of Mr. Ossoff who was receiving backing from the entire Democrat establishment, Hollywood liberals and facing a fragmented field of seventeen other candidates. Still, despite his advantages, he failed to get the necessary percentage to win the seat outright.

According to analysts and pollsters, the race is a dead heat although Ossoff has been losing ground. While you really can’t trust the polls – remember Hillary’s insurmountable lead – the runoff today is expected to draw massive turnout. The Democrats will be mobilizing all of their resources to get out the vote as if their life depends on it which it does.

There is no way to overstate how important that today is for the Democrats.

While he has largely stayed out of it, this morning President Trump tweeted out a call for voters to cast their lot with Republican Karen Handel if they want lower taxes, great healthcare and strong security.

Conversely, the POTUS took a shot at Ossoff as being weak on crime and not even living in the district.

The race has become increasingly nasty over the last week.

Radical leftists distributed white powder filled letters with obscene language to Handel’s neighbors. Then an explosive ad by a PAC supporting Handel dropped that tied Ossoff to the violent left and Bernie Sanders backer and failed assassin James T. Hodgkinson.

The left squealed in outrage but the truth is that Democrats have been tacitly encouraging violence and anarchy as an electoral tactic and will continue to do so without being called on it by a corrupt and dishonest media.

Today it all comes to a head.

Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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