Whistleblower Complaint Against President Trump [Full Text]
An unidentified member of the U.S. intelligence community used hearsay information to create a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump.
In the complaint, the author asserts that, during a July 25, 2019, call, Trump “pressured” Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter, “turn over” a server involved in the Clinton email scandal, and speak to Rudy Giuliani and William Barr.
According to a full, unredacted transcript of that phone call now released by the White House:
- The president did not pressure Zelensky to do anything
- The president never asked for the server to be “turned over”
- The president did recommend that Zelensky or his people should talk with Giuliani and/or Barr
President Zelensky has since confirmed to reporters that he felt “no pressure” from Trump to do anything.
Full Text of the Trump Whistleblower Complaint
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The real genius of our constitution is that everyone working in government, including the president and the military and the congress, take an oath of loyalty to the CONSTITUTION, not to the president or the congress or their party.
Trump, however, insists upon loyalty to his person, requiring acts that are disloyal to our constitution. That requirement is the overriding reason he needs to be impeached and tried and probably sentenced to prison for his continuing corruption.
He is not conservative (witness the zooming federal debt). He views our government as an orange he can squeeze the juice out of for his own profit. He has never been successful, except at cheating everyone around him for money. This is not how loyal conservatives behave.
Joe Biden white privilege of Ukraine https://youtu.be/grmoMnwXFEo Why aren’t Demorrhoids investigating one of their own, “Uncle Joe” ?