Free Pac 2012

Thursday I had to privilege of joining 14,000 plus patriots in celebrating our First Amendment rights of free speech and peaceful assembly at FreePAC. If the mainstream media would have reported on the gathering it would have most likely been reported as large gathering of racists, bigots, rednecks and Klan members. I can honestly say there were patriots from every race from around our great nation.

There were a multitude of speakers from many races and backgrounds that graced the stage. The one speaker that drew the most standing ovations from the crowd of racists and bigots was C L Bryant. I’ll let you watch the great rally cry and decide for yourself the true feeling of the ones gathered.


For those of you that own firearms, train hard and well and teach those that do not know how. Be good stewards of the right to bear arms, for we are the last line of defense against tyranny.


-Benjamin Wallace

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    1. It was AWSOME indeed. It was truly an honor to be at such a large gathering of patriots.

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