Obama Breaks Another Promise (Which Could Almost Be A Daily Headline)

Will only take Public Campaign Financing…er, ah, strike that.

No Lobbyists in the Administration…er, ah, strike that.

Most Transparent Administration …er, ah, strike that.

Political Action Committees (PACs) and Super PACs threaten ‘Our Democracy’…er, ah, strike that.

One thing that is as dependable as the sunrise about Barack Obama is that when he sees an opportunity to gain political advantage his prior words, pledges, and promises to the contrary are no obstacle to him.

It is also very helpful to have the vast majority of the media running interference for you when you…searching for the correct Beltway word here… Obfuscate? Triangulate? Dissemble? Prevaricate? None of them seem to hit the mark.

Lie just seems harsh.

The truth usually is.

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