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With Trump In Charge, The Swamp Gets Smaller

First James Comey bit the big one when President Trump fired his lying, politically motivated rear end, then Trump fired Andrew McCabe before he could begin collecting retirement and become a further burden to American taxpayers. There were also smaller fish who were demoted or who resigned when they saw the constitutional writing on the wall, and got out before they could be fired for dishonesty and political malfeasance while doing their jobs. There are still a great many swamp-dwelling leftists occupying positions of importance and influence in the judiciary and the Department of Justice, but maybe these people realize that the Trump administration will not permit the big guys to exercise dictatorial power and do whatever they want to do, and hopefully they will straighten out their act and begin performing law-enforcement duties in a lawful manner.

Next, Attorney General Jeff Sessions should make the statement that the lack of evidence produced so far by Mueller, along with the findings of the DOJ Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, which findings tell us that the entire collusion scam was bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign, that the FBI did numerous things that are illegal and were politically motivated in order to convince the FISA court to allow the Dossier to be considered reliable, verified evidence, so that the illegal surveillance of Trump could begin; and that all of this evidence calls for Sessions to reverse his decision to recuse himself. Then Sessions should immediately fire Mueller and stop the invasion of privacy that Trump, his staff and his hotel business are having to undergo, given the absence of any evidence of any collusion after fourteen months of investigations. Getting rid of the special counsel would lower the swamp a few more inches.

The government should also give Michael Flynn two million tax free dollars as compensation for having lost most of his savings and wellbeing while being hounded by the Mueller gang, which harassment caused Flynn to have to sell his home and nearly go bankrupt trying to pay exorbitant fees to high-priced Washington lawyers, for the mortal sin of supporting Donald Trump for president. That’s the kind of people liberal Democrats are.

The problem with important, powerful government officials who are feted and fawned over, is that it is nearly impossible to get their attention. Well, Donald Trump now has their attention, and they know that the law and the constitution will be followed under his leadership. But the next major stumbling block will be the leftist fools extending sanctuary for illegal aliens and protecting criminals from justice in their ultra-liberal bastions of blue. Once the Trump administration has put these nut-cases in federal prison for their illegal activities, maybe our nation can get back to being great again.

But the effort to get rid of ambitious, crooked politicians will be a long-lasting undertaking because one thing you can say about liberals is that their need for power and control over other citizens drives them to the most exhausting lengths necessary to gain and retain that control. Even though Andrew McCabe should be embarrassed for the public exposure of the illegal and improper things he’s done in his attempts to keep Trump out of office, he’s already claiming that this entire DOJ/Obama administration Dossier scam is Trump’s fault, and he put forth the statement that, to a thinking person’s mind, proves his guilt in this entire matter, when he said that his firing was proof that Trump is trying to undermine the Mueller investigation. So after himself being investigated by his own board of professional ethics and after being accused of illegally and improperly leaking investigative information to the press, he’s still claiming, as all good liberal Democrats do, that it’s Trump’s fault. Welcome to the DC swamp at its most filthy.

So even after a year of an intense investigation, and after the FBI and the DOJ tried repeatedly to generate proof of Trump’s collusion with Russia, and after the public has seen evidence of FBI investigators attempting to keep Trump out of office or assure his impeachment if he should actually take office, one of the top, just-fired FBI agents still expresses his political opinion that Trump is guilty and should be removed from office. This sort of thing is simply chilling and shows how close the nation came to a dictatorship during the Obama administration.

Conservatives just want to be left alone to prosper and seek happiness in their achievements and their families, unlike liberals for whom material possessions and family relations alone are not enough to satisfy their quest for power and control. All American citizens can do is get ready for a battle and show support for Donald Trump as he champions our cause and meets the enemy in mortal combat.

Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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One Comment

  1. You know, when you find a leech attached to your body you pluck it off and squash it under your boot. How do leeches operate? Why, they “lie” in wait and sneak up on you, unsuspecting (you goal, to simply get thru swamp as unimpeded as you can).

    What leech has ever stood up for himself? Nay, leeches are as cowardly as any creature ever to slime upon this planet. They must find something greater than themselves to protect their survival. Enter “Darkness”! (Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil – darkness being confusion and light being the simple, at its core, black and white TRUTH!!!)

    There are human beings who understand that; first and foremost they are responsible for themselves. They overcome the childishness of not being able to accept; sometimes they are WRONG and be an adult about it!

    Then there are human beings who are utterly despicable cowards – afraid, most of all, of being WRONG!

    You broke the LAW, McCabe – and I celebrate JUSTICE being (at least partially) served. You need to GO TO JAIL!!

    But the slimy leech is still at large. His lies are not meant for us, anyway. He speaks to those gutless wonders who would not know anything except someone good with words tells them what they know!!!

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