Vegetarian protesters compare themselves to oppressed blacks

An ongoing complaint by members of an animal rights organization offers further proof the civil rights struggle of the 1960s has been hopelessly watered down by today’s constantly offended leftists.
A group of disruptive vegetarians associated with Direct Action Everywhere now say backlash against a recent protest is no different than a segregated lunch counter in North Carolina denying service to blacks.
The incident took place at Stanford University and involved nine activists who stood up during the screening of a movie with a favorable message concerning meat.
The protesters later wrote an opinion article published by the school newspaper in which they said they were treated like the black students turned away from the Greensboro, N.C., eatery more than 50 years ago.
“We faced much the same critique,” the article claimed, including being “asked to leave, jeered at and scolded by supporters and critics of our message alike.”
Just a thought – if you’re being scolded by supporters of your cause, maybe you’ve chosen the wrong way to share your message.
The protest included each participant standing up and showing a photograph of his or her pet and linking the animal to the film with statements such as, “She doesn’t deserve to die, and neither did they.”
At least one attendee joined in the nonsense with a much-needed interjection, declaring, “My name is Aspen. I raise pigs. I love bacon.”
When the film’s director suggested toning down the vitriol, one protestor compared a discussion of meat to that of rape or child pornography.
“What’s next?” the individual asked. “Are you going to invite a dog fighter – Michael Vick – to this forum and allow him to talk about how wonderful it is to torture and kill dogs?”
The director noted he had not seen such a display at any prior screening, explaining his parents were in the audience “and they were kind of shaken by it.”
While there is a case to be made for humane treatment of animals, we already have laws on the books dealing with such behavior.
When a group of morons jumps up to disrupt a film and compare eating meat to violent crimes, they no longer deserve to be treated seriously.
They certainly don’t get to compare themselves to blacks struggling for equal treatment during this nation’s arduous fight for civil rights.
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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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