The Faces of Vote Fraud Slideshow

As the 2012 elections draw closer each day, we are faced with the reality of wondering just how fair our elections truly are these days. Vote fraud is a serious issue today, and remains so simply because many times the criminal charges resulting from proven vote fraud are either dropped by partisan judges or reduced to a simple slap on the wrist.

Any talk of election reforms must include stiffer, mandated criminal charges to dissuade vote fraud from corrupting our electoral system. Many States have in fact, enacted stiffer voting laws to prevent vote fraud and abuse, yet these new laws are being challenged across the land by Democratic activists and sympathetic judges, including the top partisan political hack at the DOJ, Mr. Eric Holder. To hear these Democrats tell it, it is also a terrible injustice for States to require proper voter registration that allows enough time to prevent election day registration fraud, and it is also supposed to be an attack on minorities to make them show an ID to vote. Those same minorities can show ID to drive , receive welfare benefits and open bank accounts, but somehow we are supposed to believe they can’t produce an ID to vote? Get real folks. The very same people who are promoting vote fraud through denying State’s rights to demand Voter ID, are in fact, none other than the Party of Liberal Democrats and their operatives. To witness, the following slideshow puts some faces to proven cases of Democratic Party vote fraud. Below the slideshow link, are the related proven cases of vote fraud explained and linked.

The Faces of Vote Fraud

Slide #1- Four Wade County, North Carolina Democrats admit to voting for Barack Obama twice in 2008. See this,  local news report.

Side #2 – 12 Democrats charged with absentee ballot voter fraud in Georgia. The defendants include people who worked in the voter registrar’s office and some school board members.

Slide #3 – 8 arrested for absentee ballot voter fraud in Madison County, Florida.

Slide #4 – Daytona Beach City Democrat Commissioner and his Campaign Manager arrested for absentee ballot vote fraud in his own election bid.

Slide #5 – Seven Democrats arrested for absentee ballot vote fraud in N.Y. 4 plead guilty and 3 are awaiting trial, according to this report , in which their method of operation is revealed: “So far seven elected or appointed officials and operatives have been charged in the two-tear probe into allegations that scores of absentee ballots were forged to benefit Democratic candidates in the 2009 Working Families Party primary. Most voters targeted lived in Troy Housing Authority apartments ( government subsidized housing) and rarely, if ever voted. They were allegedly targeted because they were unfamiliar with the process.” (emphasis added)

Slide #6 – Democrat Anthony DeFiglio ( with attny) plead guilty in his role in the above-mention NY absentee ballot vote fraud case. In Nov. 2009, he told N.Y State police investigators that “faking absentee ballots was commonplace and an accepted practice in political circles”. ( Make that “Democratic political circles” in N.Y. State)

Slide #7 – Prominent Democratic leader and former state Rep. Mike Marshall and son Chris ( shown attending Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009,) along with Democrat John Cook have been indicted on multiple counts of vote fraud. forgery, and perjury in Indiana. The state of Indiana is also embroiled in a “Right to work” battle against powerful Labor Union/Democratic party operatives, who we have now learned are quite adept at vote fraud. Preventing vote fraud in all forms is not only critical to our electoral system, it is also crucial to watch out for it in petition drives such as this one against Governor Walker in Wisconsin.

Slide #8 – The scary looking fellow lady in slide #8 is none other than NAACP executive Lessadolla Sowers, who now resides in prison after being convicted on 10 counts of absentee ballot vote fraud in Tunica County, Mississippi. As The Daily Caller explains: “While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring voter ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.”  That would be the same President of the NAACP that says there is no vote fraud in America, therefor Voter ID laws are not needed today.

Slide #9 – Fox News has the scoop on Democratic party chairman, Butch Morgan resigning amid an investigation into hundreds of fake signatures on petitions for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the Indiana state primary of 2008. Here is the method of operation the democrats used to sneak these fake signatures through the system: Among the fake signatures found was that of former Indiana Governor Mel Kernan. Mr. Kernan told the South bend tribune that neither version of his signatures that appears on the documents are anything like his own. The ST. Joseph Counter voter registration office had both a Democratic and a Republican member who sign off on petition changes submitted for review. Low and behold Republican Linda Silcott was out of the office on bereavement leave when the fake signatures passed through her office. Silcott’s signature was applied by rubber stamp, while the Democrat’s signature was hand written. Amazing coincidence there isn’t it?

This is just the tip of the iceberg into the vote fraud in America today. A simple browser search also shows us that 5000 non-U.S. Citizens voted in Colorado  in 2010, Democrats caught validating dead people voting in the NH primary,  and 953 dead people voting in S.C. , all of which are all well-documented cases of proven vote fraud. To add insult to injury, we see blatant leftist propaganda like this, saying once again, that there are no proven cases of voter fraud, that it is all being blown out of proportion, and that we do not need voter ID laws.

What will Americans believe, that there has been, in fact, proven vote fraud as outlined in this article for all to see, or Liberal Democratic propaganda that insists that there is no vote fraud, therefor there is no need for Voter ID laws? Demand that your state install and enforce Voter ID laws and make your vote count in 2012!

Update1- In the Troy N.Y. voter fraud trial, several witnesses have now come out and admitted that they were paid to commit vote fraud  by Democrats.

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