
Scott Ashjian Threatens to Hand Nevada Election to Harry Reid

For perhaps the first time this election season, I find myself in total agreement with the GOP establishment.  According to former Nevada GOP Executive Director Chuck Mith, Scott Ashjian ” .. is a huckster, he’s a slimeball”

Scott Ashjian lists himself as the real Tea Party candidate in Nevada.  Sharron Angle was endorsed by the Tea Party express while Ashjian is endorsed by the Nevada Tea Party that he created. He doesn’t do speeches or spend much on advertising, he can’t.  He’s only collected about $5,000 according to the Wall Street Journal.

That article paints a narcissistic, playboy image more akin to someone like John Kerry than any Tea Parties I know:

He wears a platinum Rolex and slicks his hair back, Mad Men-style. He got his start in car washes, went into asphalt and now has a company that floods the Internet with flattering information about people worried they look bad in Google searches. He keeps a Playboy-themed pinball machine in his office, drives a $160,000 black Mercedes with a night-vision system, and carries a pistol under his suit jacket.

The article then questions what might have pulled Scott into running:

Mr. Ashjian won’t say who suggested that he run for the Senate, except that it wasn’t a Democrat. When he formed the Tea Party of Nevada in January, he made his podiatrist its chairman and Mr. Levinson its secretary.

That’s weird, no real motivation for running and just chose his foot doctor and a lawyer as his Tea Party administration.  Sounds more like an Obama lawn party than any grass roots effort I can think of.

Perhaps there is a real motivation.  Just a a few weeks ago, Angle was polling dead even with Harry Reid, with Scott Ashjian’s snake-in-the-grass move, she’s dropped 4 points to Reid, and Ashjian has pulled 5%.

Scott makes his motives very plain.  And at the so does the WSJ article near the end

“He is, he admits, counting on angry Nevadans to check the box next to the man identified as the Tea Party candidate.”

That’s the whole sham, get his name on the ballot with “Tea Party” next to it while Angle has “Republican” next to hers.  Anyone not well-informed will vote against the Republican candidate just to stick it to them.  This will effectively split the vote and hand the election to dingy Harry.

Has this always been the plan?  You betcha!


New Hampshire


And of Course, Nevada

This is most-likely not all of them or even close.  In Michigan alone they tried to create 20+ fake candidates.  This is the back-room, illegal and unethical trickery they used to win elections in the past and put craptastic legislation like Obamacare into law.  Imagine what they’ll do if they are left with a majority in either house.

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Sharron asked Scott to step down so the tea party can move forward. He was not endorsed by the Tea
    Party Express as Sharron Angle was. She is the real deal!! What a mess if he stays on the ballot!
    If he were an real patriot and loyal American he would step down. He can’t win anyway. All he will do is help Reid win!! Thanks Scott

    1. Yes, this smells of another George Soros pay-off…to split the vote this time!
      Scott’s background and principles should be checked out more thoroughly.
      Harry is likely to be laughing all the way back to the Washington Club.

  2. I hope Harry Reid wins. I don’t want to trade a Senate Majority Leader for an already power drunk, cutting back room deals dealer, who claims on her own website she’s against that sort of thing. I’m so tired of looking at Sharron Angle with her crooked looks, ways, and chili bowl hair cut…she looks like a Jack on a deck of cards, or a broke down version of that conceited prince on Shrek.

    She acts like everything will be fine and solved once she gets to Washington. That’s the biggest laugh ever. With her fake, “goverment’s the problem”. What she’s saying is that she wants to be part of the problem by joining the government. She’s a big ol’ hypocrit!

    Harry Reid 2010!

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