Michele Bachmann: 2012 Presidential Profile


June 27, 2011- Congresswoman Michele Bachmann made an official announcement that she is running for office of President of The United States of America


Michele Marie (Amble) Bachmann was born in on April 6, 1956 in Waterloo,
Iowa, to David John Amble and Jean (née Johnson) Amble, who she describes
as “a family of Norwegian Lutheran  Democrats”.  After the divorce of her parents,
Michele moved with her mother from Iowa to Anoka, Minnesota. 




1974- Graduated from Anoka High School
Winona State University
Oral Roberts University- received her J.D. Degree- was a member of the final graduating class from the University
William and Mary Law School- Master of Laws Degree

1978- Michele married Marcus Bachmann. They have five children of their own, and have provided foster care for 23 additional children.

Private Sector Career
1988-1993 worked as a Tax Attorney representing the IRS
Left her position as a Tax Attorney to become a full-time mom
She and her husband own  a Christian Counseling Practice in Stillwater, Minnesota.
She is part owner in a family farm in Waumandee, Wisconsin.

Political Career
Minnesota State Senator
2000- Defeated the 18-year incumbent Gary Laidig for the GOP endorsement as Minnesota’s 56th District State Senator.
During the general election, she defeated two other candidates.

2002-After Minnesota redistricting, Mrs. Bachmann defeated yet another incumbent- State Senator Jane Krentz- and became the newly elected Minnesota State Representative for District 52.

2003-Michele Bachmann joined with Representative Mary Liz Holberg to propose a Minnesota State Constitutional Amendment that would bar same-sex marriage from being legally recognized. The joint effort failed to make it the 2004 ballot. In 2005 she once again proposed the Amendment, but it never made it past the Senate Committee.

2004- She was appointed as Assistant Minority Leader in charge of Policy for the Senate Republican Caucus by the Republican Senate Minority Leader Dick Day.  In July 2005, due to what Mrs. Bachmann called disagreements with Day over her principled anti-tax stance, the Republican Caucus removed her from her leadership position.

U.S. House of Representatives
2006- Michele Bachmann was elected to serve as the Congresswoman for the 110th Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives for  Minnesota’s 6th District.  She still holds this position today.

Political Accomplishments
The first Republican woman to represent Minnesota in Congress

Committee on Financial Services
Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Political Affiliations

Supported Jimmy Carter in his 1976 campaign, even volunteering with her then fiance, now husband
Became a member of the Republican Party her senior year at Winona State University
1980- Worked for Ronald Reagan’s Presidential campaign
Tea Party supporter
Founding Member of the House Tea Party Caucus

Special Interests
After high school, she spent time working on a kibbutz in Israel.

She officially joined the pro-life movement after watching the 1976 Christian Documentary “How Should We Then Live?”
1991- Mrs. Bachmann gained media attention at a pro-life protest where she and about 30 other protesters took a stand at a board meeting to protest public tax dollars going to a hospital that performed abortions. In an interview with the Star Tribune, she said that “in effect, since 1973, I have been a landlord of an abortion clinic, and I don’t like that distinction”.

She and her husband have been Foster Parents to 23 teenagers.
It is at this point that I am going to interject some personal thoughts.

This is one of the many reasons I respect Michele Bachmann.  I am a mother of 5, and all of my children were adopted through the Foster Care System. I can speak from personal experience. I know she has made a difference in the future of our nation by investing in the lives of these children. Children in Foster Care are just as much a part of our future as a child who is in a stable home. Her official website states, “she believes in the vitality of the family as the first unit of government”. She has put that belief in action by fostering children who need a loving home, taking personal responsibility for the needs of others rather than relying on the government to provide for the need.

I have made it my life mission to be the voice of these voiceless children in foster care. I am going to hold each of our lawmakers accountable for reforming the Broken System of Foster Care!

In 1993, Michele Bachmann, along with a group of other parents started a K-12 charter school in Stillwater, Minnesota. This was the pivotal point of her strong stance against a state-mandated set of educational standards. She started speaking out against state-mandated educational standards, and this was the beginning of Michele Bachmann’s leap into the world of politics.

Political Positions
Strongly Supports
Tax reform
Freemarket System
Peace through strength as our National Security
Holding to the values of The Constitution as our Founding Fathers intended
Increased domestic drilling of oil and natural gas, as well as pursuing renewable energy sources (wind and solar energy, etc)
Nuclear energy
Phasing out Social Security and Medicare
Government making the same kind of serious spending cuts that many families and small businesses have been forced to make

Second Amendment
Strong Supporter of the Second Amendment

A quote from Congresswoman Bachmann regarding where she stands on the Second Amendment:

“Growing up in a home that valued hunting and fishing, the 2nd Amendment is of equal importance as the other nine Amendments in our Bill of Rights. Since the age of twelve, when I passed my first gun safety class, I’ve enjoyed the privilege afforded us by the right to bear arms. While serving in the Minnesota State Senate I supported and helped pass the Minnesota Personal Protection Act and legislation to protect local shooting ranges. I will fight to uphold our 2nd Amendment rights.”

  • Signed H.R.197&S.845 which establishes a national standard for the carrying of concealed firearms
  • Co-sponsored banning gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC
  • Co-sponsored Fairness in Firearm Testing Act

Foreign Policy
Believes all options should be left on the table if diplomacy does not achieve our goal.

Supports securing our borders and enforcing our current laws
Does NOT believe in amnesty
Believes we should declare English as the official language
(again, repeating myself from Ron Paul’s profile, this should not even BE an issue! That should be  a GIVEN, not up for debate at all!)

Strongly Opposes
Wasteful government spending
Minimum Wage Increases
Abortion– says she would vote to allow abortions in the case of rape and incest, but would not vote for state funds to be used for the procedure.

On The Web
Michele Bachmann for President
Michele Bachmann on Facebook
Michele Bachmann on Twitter
Michele Bachmann on YouTube
Congresswoman Michele Bachamann’s Official Website

Michele Bachmann In The News
Bachmann on Possible 2012 Presidential Run
Michele Bachmann Responds to Heckler
Bachmann Officially Announces Her Run for the Presidency


Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s Official Website


See the profiles of other potential 2012 GOP Candidates

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One Comment

  1. What is her “current” stance on illegals being deported as our law demands? I couldnt find it defined .

    1. according to ontheissues.org she believes:
      We meed to secure our borders and enforce current laws. (Nov 2006)
      She is rated B+ by the ALI, indicating an acceptably anti-amnesty stance. (Nov 2010)
      She believes we should declare English as the official language of the US. (Feb 2007)
      (again, repeating myself from Ron Paul’s profile, I believe it was, this should not even BE an issue! That should be a GIVEN!)

      I’ll update the article itself to reflect her stance on immigration.

  2. Here is a lady who should be our candidate. Just winism is what got the GOP and America where it is today…with ONLY big one world government politicians like Romney and Perry being pushed to the forefront by dubious secret forces and sold as conservatives.
    If we end up with Romney or Perry as nominees, things will have to get worse, apparently, before they get better and they will get better, one way or the other, by divine Will.

    Electing Romney or Perry is hardly different than electing Obama again…just hardly – that isn’t enough difference to amount to anything of real value.

    I vote with real values, not with pride. Pride is the root of all sin and the number one sin. Romney or Perry have no real values and supporting someone like them is nothing to be proud of anyhow.

    Support life (Romney and Perry sell out life to the highest bidder), support liberty (Romney and Perry are more than willing to sell out liberty to the highest bidder), support the pursuit of happiness (Romney and Perry do not believe in liberty they believe in totalitarian states to control people’s lives as they have/had practiced in their own states).

    I’m writing in a real conservative…won’t ever again vote for another big government politician, neither Perry or Romney will get in office because of myself or any of my family.

    We won’t have to “Hope” the type of change Bachmann will bring is conservative and American, because she is that sincere and trustworthy.

  3. I do have so many photos in my house. I might apply to University of Minnesota
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    more semenster I might be new leader and I’m the charger
    of Republican party. Happy holiday to you.

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