Harry Reid Wouldn’t Know Compromise If It Bit Him On The Nose
Things just are not the same when the shoe is on the other foot!
The Democrats are all up in arms with the Republican, specifically the Tea Party Republicans, for not “compromising” on the debt ceiling.

Senator Harry Reid said:
“Obviously what is being done in the House is not a compromise. It is being jammed through with all kinds of non-transparent dealings, people shuffling in and out of the Republican leadership’s offices. We’re recognizing that the only compromise that there is is mine.”
Before we go any further, someone needs to inform the Senator from Nevada that his definition of “compromise” is not correct.
Dictionary.com defines “compromise” as:
a settlement of differences by mutual concessions;
an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
Senator Reid, compromise DOES NOT mean you get things YOUR way!
Secondly, Senator Reid speaks of this being “jammed through with all kinds of non-transparent dealings”. It is quite amusing how the Democrats are so indignant that they are not getting “their way” with the debt ceiling. Wow! They sure have a lot of room to talk, don’t they? If we think back to just a little over a year ago, wasn’t it Nancy Pelosi who said:
“We have to pass the bill so that you can, uh, find out what is in it…. away from the fog of the controversy.”
In the event the Democrats have forgotten this, here is a clip to remind them. She made that statement on March 9, 2010, a mere 16 months ago.
The Democrats “jammed through” Obamacare with “all kinds of non-transparent dealings”. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and they do not like the way it feels.
What goes around comes around, Senator Reid!