F**k The Constitution, Just Make Me Happy
Our Founding Fathers may have been the most thoughtful men in human history. To create a new government with the many checks and balances that are in place is the envy of the entire world. If there is any doubt of how great this country truly is, all you have to do is just look at all the people trying to get in, legally and illegally. Why are people not beating down the doors to get into Venezuela, Cuba, China or North Korea? We as a country must be doing something right. However, how long are we going to be different from those countries?
The Internet is a wonderful thing; on it, you can find views from both sides of the aisle. Not too long ago, I had the pleasure of watching a couple of videos that had an interview with people that came here from socialist countries, on the video they were describing what life was like living under socialism. At the end of each video, they all seem to say the same thing. America is heading down the same path that the socialist countries they left once went down. I must admit, a chill went down my spine when I heard them describing the similarities. The left in this country shrug these people off as idiots who don’t know what they are talking about.
They say experience is the best teacher, so why are we not learning from the very people that lived through socialism? We all know the old saying, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. So why are we not learning? The writing is on the wall, but most of America refuses to see it. America seems to be closing its eyes to the reality of socialism creeping its way into our society. The people that were speaking on those videos, spoke of similarities of what is coming, they are; Removal of God from society, Taking over the car companies, as well as the banks, Socialized medicine and the Government is the answer to everything. Sound familiar? However, these are the very things that the people on the videos have lived through in the countries they left. They see the same things happening here, scary, isn’t it?
Who’s to blame? Well, look in the mirror, because it is we the people. Our founding fathers set this country up to be a self-governing nation, of the people, by the people, for the people. Lincoln said those words in his Gettysburg Address, but things sure have changed. This country has been changing for a while, but the Obama administration was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
We have a generation of people who do not even know what the Constitution is; they were raised to believe in an entitlement society, where they think they are entitled to everything, instead of going out and working for it. They all seem to say F**k the Constitution, just make me happy. Moreover, this president seems to want to oblige them. This country is learning the hard way that liberal views and policies just do not work. We are now paying the price for the liberal policies of the past. Yes, we have a constitution, but what good is it if we ignore it.
A quick note; Those of you who have read my book, America, A Society Gone Wrong or follow my articles know that I like to lighten things up with a touch of humor, I always do, but I find this to be, too serious of a subject for humor.
This is one man’s opinion.
I think once Obama loses in Nov. things will start to turn around. At least I hope and pray it will.